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Jamie Oberdick
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Jamie Oberdick is now following Christopher P. Long
Nov 23, 2009
Very nice, Cole. One thing I always found cool was how ethnic foods from home countries find their way onto American Thanksgiving tables. In York, at ours, we had PA Dutch things such as baked dried corn, which is wonderful.
As for grandparents, no, they weren't PA Dutch. My grandparents were much different as far as arrival in America - my mom's side got here in the late 1700s, and my father's mother was here for thousands of years, being an Eastern Band Cherokee. She gave me a different perspective on Thanksgiving than many have - namely enjoy the holiday, but don't for one moment buy into any of the myths. As you might imagine, that aspect made Thanksgiving quite bittersweet for her.
That is pretty cool the connection between your grandfather and your career. Interesting how that works.
My Grandparents
Tony and Madeline Camplese. Both were immigrants. He from Italy, she from Portugal. They were wonderful people and this time of year I can't tell you how thick my memories of them are. We used to go to their house in Wheeling, WV when I was little around Thanksgiving and Christmas. The f...
Jamie Oberdick is now following Cole Camplese
Nov 21, 2009
Jamie Oberdick is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 21, 2009
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