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Jdhaught is now following Nicole Walker
Aug 21, 2010
I'm back! Maybe. Who knows these things...I go through phases. I start my MFA program on Monday. That's a day away. Pretty close. Surprisingly not nervous yet, but that's probably because my first class is MexAm Lit and not a workshop...that's when I'll get nervous. I'm probably also not nervous...
and you always had the best soaps. hahaha
I'm back! Maybe. Who knows these things...I go through phases. I start my MFA program on Monday. That's a day away. Pretty close. Surprisingly not nervous yet, but that's probably because my first class is MexAm Lit and not a workshop...that's when I'll get nervous. I'm probably also not nervous...
LOL luby's boobies!
I'm back! Maybe. Who knows these things...I go through phases. I start my MFA program on Monday. That's a day away. Pretty close. Surprisingly not nervous yet, but that's probably because my first class is MexAm Lit and not a workshop...that's when I'll get nervous. I'm probably also not nervous...
Jdhaught is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 21, 2010
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