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Wil, I haven't tried Beersmith yet and am using Brewtarget instead. I seem to recall pulling Brewtarget out of one of your other beer posts and am curious what Beersmith does that Brewtarget doesn't besides the obvious cloud sharing? While I like Brewtarget, I'm looking for something else that doesn't tie me to a particular app. I'm currently using as a backup to my regular process. Based on reading your posts (and a willing neighbor to walk me through the process), I brewed my first batch of my own a few weeks ago. It was a Honey wheat that's turned out pretty well. I'll add yours to my growing "To Brew" queue. I'll be trying the Presidential brews as well seeing as how I took the time to sign the petition. ;-) Happy Brewing! ~Jeff
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Wil, I didn't see a site that has been around forever, or at least the recipe collection has been. The Cat's Meow 3 @ is a great collection of recipes, broken down by beer type. The collection has been around since the mid to late 90's. I have what I think is a full set of Cat's Meow PDF's I'd be willing to send your way as well, if you're interested. (I have most of the gear but like others, life got in the way and I haven't brewed a single batch yet. I'm interested to see how your first one goes. ) Oh, and if you haven't seen this, I'd say this would be the way to do it, although it would take the fun out of the process. Jeff
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I'm fairly certain that I'll still be chuckling over "giant toxic nuclear shit" several weeks from now.
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Jnduvall is now following Wil
Jun 20, 2011
I love how you refer to "your friend Jerry" as if he's not someone gamers would know. Well played. I'd highly recommend Castle Crashers for XBox 360 Arcade if you're looking for a platformer. My kids and I absolutely love it, and I'm unabashedly 40 and have been into gaming 30+ years. I still remember playing text adventures on my uncle's Radio Shack CoCo.
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So if I follow, you pee'd on your own Munchkin cards. Not cool, man. Not cool.
Toggle Commented Aug 18, 2010 on In which I am a HPOA at WWdN: In Exile
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Jnduvall is now following Dani
Oct 29, 2009
Am I the only one who wants Wil's Steam ID so that I can play L4D with him? The game really shines in co-op.
Toggle Commented Aug 13, 2009 on in which progress is made at WWdN: In Exile
1 reply
Southwest of downtown Portland, Or.? Wouldn't happen to be near the OHSU campus would it? I spent a ton of time up there last year while my dad was in the hospital. It's B E A utiful up there.
Toggle Commented Jun 17, 2009 on LEVERAGE: day two at WWdN: In Exile
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I don't quite get that worked up about Twitter, but totally understand the rant. Shane kicks ass, but my man-crush on Wil far outweighs Shane's Teh Funneh.
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Does that make 4/4 Jedi Master day?
Toggle Commented May 4, 2009 on happy jedi day at WWdN: In Exile
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Great interview, Wil. Just watched it and you had those guys eating out of your hand.
Toggle Commented Apr 25, 2009 on hey, look, that's me! at WWdN: In Exile
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Sorry to hear, Wil. I just ordered one for my friend's son. He's the only person in our 4E group that doesn't have one. By the way, the shirt is good for the dice mojo too. I won't play without mine on.
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By Jove! That's it! The country of Suyodhana(The Kaurava king) is MONTANA!!!!!
Toggle Commented Mar 27, 2009 on in the country of the kaurava king at WWdN: In Exile
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Thanks Wil. A good friend and I are getting our kids into D&D now. He's running the campaign and I'm doing my best to lead the party and help him out at the same time. We've both made all of the rookie mistakes as well. We've both played PnP RPG's for a while but have been out of it for over 10 years. 4E was a good way (and excuse) to start playing again and pass on our love of the game to our kids. We're both being pestered when we go for more than a week between sessions. :-) I've also noticed that our game is considerably different w/ 8-10 year olds than it is with adults. He's been doing a fantastic job tailoring the content for the kids and making it fun for them. We're almost done w/ Shadowfell, and a few items stuck out for me. 1. We lost our NPC Dragonborn Paladin. My 8-year old son's character (a Dragonborn fighter) vowed to carry him out of the Keep so that he could be lain to rest properly. I know that this was more a reflection on him versus his character, and it made me shed a tear. 2. Our party managed to capture Balgron w/out much of a fight. All of the kids were devastated when said NPC paladin killed him after we had him bound and defenseless. The DM realized that he didn't make him sinister enough, but we managed to talk about how some situations require the eradication of evil and try to pass along some parental wisdom at the same time. Our DM is a fairly regular reader of your blog, but I'm going to point him at this particular post. There are some very valuable nuggets in here that we'll both use when running our campaign. Jeff
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Add me and several of my co-workers who will buy T's when/if they become available again.
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Had to vote for you, Wil, even though Campbell kicks ass. I'm with Pocket Nerd on Campbell though. He's got machismo, a big ass chin and cool, but he DOES NOT have geek.
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Wil, My friend and I have been playing 4e with our children. It's been a blast. I totally have a DnDI subscription, so if you want to try the character creator, I'm sure we can work something out. Are you doing any public events while your in Seattle? I'd love to see you in person doing something.. you know.. cool. :D ~Jeff
Toggle Commented Dec 10, 2008 on at last, it can be revealed . . . at WWdN: In Exile
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Wil, My friend and I have been playing 4e with our children. It's been a blast. I totally have a DnDI subscription, so if you want to try the character creator, I'm sure we can work something out. Are you doing any public events while your in Seattle? I'd love to see you in person doing something.. you know.. cool. :D ~Jeff
Toggle Commented Dec 10, 2008 on at last, it can be revealed . . . at WWdN: In Exile
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I can tell that I've been gaming too long. When I saw panel 2 I thought maybe Gabe and Tycho had a quest for me. Ugh.
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I can tell that I've been gaming too long. When I saw panel 2 I thought maybe Gabe and Tycho had a quest for me. Ugh.
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I watched it last night. You're crack about the cell phones (and the cock punch) almost had me spraying energy drink out of my nose. The porn show segment was funny. I'll be watching the rest of the episodes if you're even close to that funny in the rest of them. ;-)
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I watched it last night. You're crack about the cell phones (and the cock punch) almost had me spraying energy drink out of my nose. The porn show segment was funny. I'll be watching the rest of the episodes if you're even close to that funny in the rest of them. ;-)
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You're right, Tony McDowell. I wasn't trying to say that my purchasing of music via iTunes was screwing the RIAA. I'm aware that they get their share from Apple as well. My point was that ever since the RIAA decided to shut down Napster and have crimilized any technology that allows us, as listeners, greater enjoyment of music, *my* music have dropped to almost nothing. The purchases that I have made have been from the lowest cost retailer and the one that has recently been under pressure from the RIAA to increase their prices. The grand total for me has been less that $40 dollars of music purchases in the 3 years. The RIAA's tactics have caused me to change my buying habits, plain and simple. I carefully weigh my desire for the music versus the revenue it will give the RIAA on EVERY purchase.
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You're right, Tony McDowell. I wasn't trying to say that my purchasing of music via iTunes was screwing the RIAA. I'm aware that they get their share from Apple as well. My point was that ever since the RIAA decided to shut down Napster and have crimilized any technology that allows us, as listeners, greater enjoyment of music, *my* music have dropped to almost nothing. The purchases that I have made have been from the lowest cost retailer and the one that has recently been under pressure from the RIAA to increase their prices. The grand total for me has been less that $40 dollars of music purchases in the 3 years. The RIAA's tactics have caused me to change my buying habits, plain and simple. I carefully weigh my desire for the music versus the revenue it will give the RIAA on EVERY purchase.
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