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Jean Gomez
Recent Activity
Love this post. Glad Instagram changed their mind but I will always post skeptically on their site now. I think that you're right on the money with all your points. I have an iPhone I can't stand but the junk android apps keep me from moving. Hope they get that sorted out. Research in Motion/Blackberry really used to be amazing and since the stock started on the downturn they just seem to be sinking...sad really. Love this geeky techie post. It wakens my geek within :)
I hope you're having a great week my dear!
Thank you so much for linking up to last week's Aloha Friday Blog Hop!! I'm following you.
If you have time, we'd love to have you come and link up to the Aloha Friday Blog Hop if you haven't already! We are hosting a great giveaway too which is a wonderful opportunity to give some extra exposure to you lovely blog. Come and link up, enter the giveaway and celebrate the coming weekend with us!
Jean {What Jean Likes}
tuesday letters from a fellow geek
Dear Instagram: congratulations on screwing yourself out of business! your first mistake was allowing facebook to take over and your second mistake was your suicide announcement of whoring and selling yourself out to third party companies. your only reprieve is to allow an opt-out fu...
Telemarketers have the WORST timing. it's like they wait until right when I sit down to eat to call my house. Love all the "it's ok" items on this list, especially the hating capatcha. Blogger's is soooooo blurry or cut off that I often don't get it right and have to refresh and lose my comment!! Oy!
Thank you so much for participating in our Aloha Friday Blog Hop!! I am following you, of course!! Wishing you and yours a lovely week!!
Jean {What Jean Likes}
it's ok.... hang up on telemarketers. i know it's their job but dang, must you call during dinner time? or late at night? or every possible inconvenient time? really really really hate the postal service... especially when the package you ordered over 2wks ago is still circling around...
Jean Gomez added a favorite at Yesterday On Tuesday
Apr 1, 2010
Jean Gomez added a favorite at Yesterday On Tuesday
Apr 1, 2010
Jean Gomez added a favorite at Yesterday On Tuesday
Apr 1, 2010
Jean Gomez is now following Malia
Apr 1, 2010
Jean Gomez is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 1, 2010
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