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congrats for Mr.P :)
longing to read the next chapter of your new adventures
New days dawning
Mr. P has graduated! Yay! I'm so very, very proud of him. He graduated, on time, with honors (magna cum laude, suckers!), while working, teaching, having shows, and making art. *And* the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts recently purchased one of his pieces from Flight Patterns for their collection. ...
I remember having seen Tosca at the Met, hmmm... october '06
no crinklecrinklecrinkle by that time, as far as I can remember... and I think I would remember : I would have killed the nasty crinkler !
A Night at the Opera and other things
So, I had kind of a difficult week. I woke up last weekend not feeling well. I chalked it up to allergies (something I never suffered in New England, New York, Europe, or Asia, until moving to the Mid-Atlantic) and began muddling through the ickiness of not feeling well. A week and a half later ...
I'm always cautious when it comes to cover of my #1 favorite album
I could write long comments, just sticking on my personal top five, which includes Zappa's 'one size fits all', Alice Cooper 'school's out',... but that's another story :)
well I must admit that this one just sounds great
this one's not too bad either.
All that Hurdy Gurdy
Lots of people seem very whiny about Arcade Fire winning the grammy for best whateverwhatever. (Weirdly people also seem bent out of shape about Esperanza Spaulding, who I think is just awesome). But I wonder how they can resist this? Maybe it's just me who finds the combination of inst...
JJBT added a favorite at Missives from the Birdcage
Jan 7, 2011
JJBT added a favorite at Missives from the Birdcage
Jan 7, 2011
JJBT added a favorite at Missives from the Birdcage
Jan 7, 2011
JJBT is now following Missives from the Birdcage
Jan 7, 2011
JJBT is now following TypePad France
Jan 7, 2011
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