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Jeanne Tuthill
Recent Activity
Screen Chomp is another similar free whiteboard app that you might want to check out!
(Good) Free App of the Day: ShowMe (holy crud! part three)
Here is one of the reasons crazy-app world is so fun: Just 10 days ago I posted about an awesome free app called Educreations Interactive Whiteboard. It's a terrific free app that allows you (or your child or students) to create, save, and share whiteboard presentations. Great stuff. Now, 10...
Congrats to the winners! Especially to my sister, Lisa! Woohoo!
Faces iMake WINNERS!
Below are the winners of Faces iMake! If your name is on the list, please send me an email at I'll respond with the code and instructions if you need them. If you'd like to receive email notification of all future contests and winners, please click here. And the w...
Jeanne Tuthill is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 22, 2011
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