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Jeff Kohn
Interests: Photography, hiking, home theater, books, wine, speedskating
Recent Activity
Thanks TJ. I thought about a separate gallery for the Bisti project, but for now some of those images are filling in the other galleries. I'm considering offering a print folio from the Bisti Project though, at which point I will put up the images from that as a separate gallery. On the blog, I haven't decided if I want to tie in with my existing blog, or create something separate for the new site. I don't plan on linking back to the PBase site, just because I feel the quality of work there is a bit uneven especially in some of the older galleries.
New Portfolio Site - The Majestic Landscape
I've been working on a new website, separate from my PBase gallery, to serve as portfolio for my landscape work. The Majestic Landscape will serve as a showcase for my best landscape and nature images, and will eventually offer online ordering of fine art prints. (In the meantime, prints can ...
Thanks TJ, I appreciate the in-depth comments. It's always great to read your insights. Forests aren't the easiest places to shoot, but I just love being among those trees and all the lush growth. The photography was frustrating at times, and I came home thinking my images were going to disappoint; but after living with them for a while I think I'm pretty happy with the result.
Redwood State and National Parks, May 2010
Well, it's been a while since I posted any updates. I actually did quite a bit of shooting during the spring, I just got too busy to do anything with the images. I should have more updates in the near future, including some wildlower images from spring. We spent some time on the northern coast...
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Mar 15, 2010
Thanks TJ. I definitely agree that the soft light is most pleasing for the tufa formations.
Mono Lake, South Tufa Area
It's nice when getting up at 4am actually pays off. After a week of getting up early only to be disappointed by cloudless skies at sunrise, I debated whether it was really worth the pre-sunrise trip to Mono Lake, since the photographic potential depends so much on having interesting skies and ...
Thanks for the feedback, TJ; insightful as always. I do wish I'd had some clouds to work with for some of these.
More High Sierra Scenery
This is the last of alpine scenery from our Eastern Sierra trip. These are from a handful of hikes we did in Viginia Lakes Basin, 20 Lakes Basin, and near Mammoth Lakes. 20 Lakes Basin in particular was fabulous, I could see spending a whole week exploring and photographing just in that area. ...
Once again, thannks for the great feedback. The Patriarch Grove was an amazing place to visit, I only wish we'd had more time; but we underestimated the drive up. I fully expected to be shooting these trees all in B/W, but when the distant storm cleared and those pastel colors showed up, I knew it had to be color. I think either of these groves could be good for nighttime photography, although the Schulman would be much easer to get to/from in the dark. I believe Tony Rowell (the late Galen's son) had an night time Bristlecone image in Outdoor Photographer a few months back.
Ancient Bristlecones, White Mountains
While staying in Bishop, we visited the bristlecone pine groves in the White Mountains, which are the oldest living organisms on the planet (some over 4,000 years old). The upper Patriarch Grove is particularly impressive; I wish we'd had more time there, but we underestimated the drive time (...
Thanks for the detailed critiques. Lots of good insight, as awlays; and I pretty much agree with your assessments. I didn't have much luck with the clouds this trip, especially in the mornings; the light on many peaks is also pretty flat at that time of year, I think the fall would be much better. I'm not entirely happy with the post-processing on this set, there are some problem areas that I didn't really notice at full resolution, that became more apparent once downsized for the web.
I recently had another photographer mention that I tend to shoot wide-angle scenes without necessarily using wide-angle lenses. Maybe it's a result of my choosing my perspective and composition before I think about lenses, and then using the focal length that provides the framing I want. I don't think I did any focus blending on the Reflection shot you mentioned. The grasses were far enough way that using hyperfocal distance gave me pretty much the DOF I needed. The distant mountains may not be critically sharp at full resolution, but they don't appear out of focus, either.
BTW your imagined path into the the Log Jame, Blue Lakes image is exactly where the trail continues on, although we didn't have time to go further since it was our first afternoon in the area and we got a late start on that hike.
Eastern Sierra, Pt. 1
I've started working on images from our trip to the Eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains in California earlier in July. The first set is from our time staying in the Bishop area. We got to do a couple of really nice hikes, I think Little Lakes Valley was quite possibly one of the most scenic hikes ...
Hehe. Heather's a good sport, for the most part she doesn't mind my photo stops; although if I linger too long in one spot while on a hike she sometimes wonders off ahead of me, which I guess is her form of a not-so-subtle hint. :)
Oregon Snapshots
As previously mentioned here are some snapshots of Heather and I from our Oregon vacation. To view the images, click here or on the image above.
Thanks Stephen. The "character" of the place is what it's all about to me so if some of that is getting through that's good to hear. :)
Oregon's Northern and Central Coast
The second half of our Oregon vacation was spent on the coast. We stayed in Lincoln City on the central coast for two days, then traveled a bit further north to Cannon Beach for the last two days. After mostly rainy weather for the previous several days, things started to clear up by the after...
Thanks Bob, I appreciate it. It's a beautiful place, we'll definitely be visiting again in the future.
Columbia River Gorge
This is the last set of scenic images from our Oregon trip. The Columbia River Gorge was actually our first stop. This area has some of the most beautiful waterfalls we've ever seen. We spent 3 1/2 rainy days there and hiked several trails, including the Eagle Creek Trail which was spectacular...
Thanks. 'Other-worldly' is definitely the best phrase I can think of to describe this place. I have a feeling I'll be making some more visits there in the future, I can see Bisti being a long-term project for me as there's still so much more to explore there.
Stone Topiary - Bisti Badlands
As mentioned in the last post, I went to New Mexico to photograph at the Bisti Badlands wilderness area, about 30 miles south of Farmington. Bisti has become something of a project for me; this was my third visit, and it's become a place that I really enjoy photographing. There's so much to d...
Thanks for the feedback TJ, your comments are always insightful. Overall I'm happier with the B/W images here than the color photos from the previous gallery. The lighthouse might be a bit cliche, but I was happy with the result; and it's a 2-row stitch so it makes a really nice print.
When shooting 'Canon Beach' I couldn't help but think the framing is a little too good to be true. I have a feeling at some point somebody did some pruning on those trees to create the picture-perfect scene. :)
'Coastal View Yaquina Head' is actually probably my least favorite shot here; I liked the sky, but felt the the foreground might be a little too busy. There's also a bit of a left/right tonal imbalance.
More from Oregon Coast - Black & White
Here are the rest of the images from our stay on the coast, this time in black & white. To view the images, click here or on the image above.
Thanks TJ. Some of these images are indeed a bit different from my usual style, I tried to simplify some of my compositions, emphasizing lines and colors. One thing I realized is that when shooting on the coast, the horizon becomes a much more prominent compositional feature, either helping or hurting your compositions depending on how you use it.
Oregon's Northern and Central Coast
The second half of our Oregon vacation was spent on the coast. We stayed in Lincoln City on the central coast for two days, then traveled a bit further north to Cannon Beach for the last two days. After mostly rainy weather for the previous several days, things started to clear up by the after...
Thanks TJ. Being able to walk behind a couple of the falls like that was really neat. I'm not 100% happy with the B/W conversion on 'Behind South Falls', but thought it was a pretty interesting viewpoint, and liked the drama from the misty weather.
Silver Falls State Park, Oregon
We just spent a week in Oregon, primarily to hike/photograph in the Columbia River Gorge as well as on the northern/central coast. In-between we made a stopover in Salem, and visited Silver Falls State Park. We were supposed to have an afternoon and morning there, but the morning got rained ou...
Oops, notifications weren't working for some reason, didn't see your comment before. Thanks, it was a great trip.
Silver Falls State Park, Oregon
We just spent a week in Oregon, primarily to hike/photograph in the Columbia River Gorge as well as on the northern/central coast. In-between we made a stopover in Salem, and visited Silver Falls State Park. We were supposed to have an afternoon and morning there, but the morning got rained ou...
Thanks TJ. I do wish that the clouds had cleared a little more to show the peak but they just insisted on hovering there.
Shiprock / Tsé Bit'a'í
I recently took a trip to New Mexico, primarily to re-visit the Bisti Wilderness Area. I'm still working on those images, but I do have a few images ready from a visit to Shiprock on our last morning there. The weather was pretty miserable when we got there - cold, windy, overcast and drizzlin...
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