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Jeff Korhan
Naperville, IL
New media marketer who works with entrepreneurs and small businesses to maximize their Web visibility, reputation, and referrals.
Recent Activity
Linda - what are your thoughts on LinkedIn groups vs Google+ communities? Both good options.
How to Turn LinkedIn Activity into Blog Posts
The other day I was using Google to search for guidance on a difficult client situation, when I came across Ilise Benun's post on the Creative Freelancer blog, "Mysterious Case of the Disappearing Client." Ilise runs a LinkedIn group called Creative Freelancer Conference, built as an extensio...
You'll find it interesting that the default category with Wordpress is uncategorized.
Wha? I obviously obliterated that one forever ... and replaced it with miscellaneous.
Just kidding - wonder what they were thinking?
The Two Words You Want to Avoid on Any Team Blog
1) Posted by: Anonymous (also known as Anon. or Admin). Along the same lines, I also see Posted by: _______ (clinic name) or ______ (clinic owner name - even when it was written by another team member). These words put a barrier between you and your audience, and keep your readers from seeing al...
Thanks Kevin - Keep teaching those kids as they are most receptive to meditation and usually get the most out of it.
An Unconventional Focusing Technique that Works
I recently happened upon a link to a study in Japan that sought to prove an hypothesis - that just a few minutes of meditation prior to a learning exercise can significantly and positively improve the results. It turns out that the results were quite astonishing. Here is the article from Su...
The Social Media Stakes Are Going Up
In addition to LinkedIn going public this week, Facebook has announced that their public offering is inevitable too. This means the social media stakes are going up. We are all going to have to play the game better and smarter - planning ahead and partnering with true experts. Continue reading
Posted May 19, 2011 at Jeff Korhan - New Media and Small Business Marketing
An Unconventional Focusing Technique that Works
If you are open-minded and willing to try a technique that is unconventional, you will discover that just a few minutes of meditation provides a number of benefits - including greater focus, comprehension, and memory retention.
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Posted May 18, 2011 at Jeff Korhan - New Media and Small Business Marketing
Jennifer - Yep, that's all you can do is trust your gut and do your best - and ignore the social media trolls. :)
The End of Privacy is The Beginning of Better Choices
It's time to stop worrying about how social media is eroding your privacy. Game over - social media won, or nearly so. At the very least, social media is (with all due respect to Charlie Sheen) ... duh, #winning! Social Media is Not the Problem Many blame what is revealed about their pe...
Frank - Just be specific with what you want - set the ground rules. And do it on a quiet week because it takes time to comment on all the designs. I had over 200 to work with!
My Amazing Experience with 99 Designs
For the past several months I have been planning to upgrade my online presence - especially right here at My commitment to helping small businesses make the most of their online marketing has been and still continues to be my 100% committed focus. Nevertheless, for the five ...
Thank Hillary - I'm very pleased with it. Although, I imagine you already figured that out. :)
My Amazing Experience with 99 Designs
For the past several months I have been planning to upgrade my online presence - especially right here at My commitment to helping small businesses make the most of their online marketing has been and still continues to be my 100% committed focus. Nevertheless, for the five ...
Tell Me Something I Don't Know
Human curiosity is driven by the desire to learn something you don't know. This is what attracts fans, followers, and new prospects and customers - as well as the attention of Google. Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2011 at Jeff Korhan - New Media and Small Business Marketing
My Amazing Experience with 99 Designs
When you listen to your customers and apply your expertise to give them what they don't even know is possible, you create opportunities for breaking out of competitive situations where your work is the logical choice. That's was my experience with Jefferson Pasqual and 99 Designs. Continue reading
Posted May 16, 2011 at Jeff Korhan - New Media and Small Business Marketing
3 Ways to Celebrate National Small Business Week
President Obama has officially proclaimed May 15 - May 21, 2011 as National Small Business Week. Here are three ways you can celebrate and help your small business - or those you patronize. Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2011 at Jeff Korhan - New Media and Small Business Marketing
Thanks Hillary - The inspiration was from a business deal that went bad and was aired out on the social networks. The mistake was the firm never should have taken the client in the first place - which happened to be Facebook.
Have a great weekend.
The End of Privacy is The Beginning of Better Choices
It's time to stop worrying about how social media is eroding your privacy. Game over - social media won, or nearly so. At the very least, social media is (with all due respect to Charlie Sheen) ... duh, #winning! Social Media is Not the Problem Many blame what is revealed about their pe...
The End of Privacy is The Beginning of Better Choices
It's time to stop worrying about how social media is eroding your privacy. Each and every day we all make choices. If you are challenged with making better choices, you only have to ask yourself one simple question: Is this choice the right one for everyone concerned? Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2011 at Jeff Korhan - New Media and Small Business Marketing
Free, Freemium, and Space Oddities
Consumers now determine value. Social media gives them a voice and they use it to express themselves. My hunch is that once travelers recognize wi-fi can be provided during air travel, they will expect it - and for free. Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2011 at Jeff Korhan - New Media and Small Business Marketing
Innovators, Implementors, and Business Systems
Business systems are a double-edged sword. Some can't live with them and some can't live without them. Are you an innovator or an implementor? The answer will give you clues about the type of systems you should be creating to enhance your business success. Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2011 at Jeff Korhan - New Media and Small Business Marketing
Shannon - Your blog is not about you, but the perspective you have that is valuable to a community.
Try this - take a sheet of paper and write down the characteristics of your ideal audience. Then write to that.
Help them in whatever ways you can - with solutions to problems, inspiration, etc.
Remember that if one person in that audience is helped by your blog, there are probably many more too that you many never even know of because they share similar qualities - needs and aspirations.
How to Categorize Your Facebook Page to Generate More Business
When Facebook overhauled Pages in February, one positive outcome was the new flexibility to choose (or change) the category for your business Page. Previously, your category choice was locked in. So, this was definitely a welcome upgrade. Now Facebook is asking selected Page admins to confirm...
I was having similar thoughts as I respond to the many comments I've received this week. How often though do you get no response? I know I do a lot, which is why I try to reach out to as many that have made the effort to say hello.
Thanks for doing so!
How to Say Thank You with Social Media
This has been an exceptional week for me and my family. I have been hired to speak for several new clients, celebrated my son's college scholarship awards, and been moved by inspirational stories of loss and love. These occurrences are not linear events. Relationships, events, and apparent cha...
Build Customer Loyalty Into Your Business Structure
Successful companies understand that service is not something you do to your customers - but with them. You only need to look to Apple and Zappos for clues for how this can work for your business. Continue reading
Posted May 9, 2011 at Jeff Korhan - New Media and Small Business Marketing
The 3 Step Cure for Writer's Block
If you are a talented writer who occasionally cannot produce the quality or quantity of work you know you are capable of, you can easily get back on track by identifying which one of three essential activities may be holding you back. Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2011 at Jeff Korhan - New Media and Small Business Marketing
AD - You are welcome. Learn, understand, and know your community and your blogging will achieve its highest objectives. :)
5 Ways to Make Your Blog Posts Outstanding
Are your blog posts just "okay"? Want to make them great? Here's how - (from my post that was earlier published in Social Media Examiner, where I am a guest blogger.) A great blog post respects the needs of three distinct entities. It educates and informs your audience (your subscribers and vi...
Kevin - Exactly! Better to have a smaller and fully engaged community that supports you than thousands of followers that you really don't have a human relationship with.
Friends, Followers, Fans, Likes, and Recommendations
Networking has always been about making connections, with the ultimate goal to build a mutually beneficial relationship - one that could ultimately lead to new business opportunities. Anyone that has attended a local Chamber of Commerce networking event knows that the converting connections in...
Why I'm a Fan of Chase Bank
Chase Bank has earned my business because they understand that being successful in business today means you have to understand and adapt to the changes that technology and social media are having on the business environment. Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2011 at Jeff Korhan - New Media and Small Business Marketing
Kathy - I thought so too! They've only been in business since October but are really doing well. Their co-founder tweeted me last night that they are adding 15 videos a week.
Go Back To School on the Internet With Grovo
Grovo is an educational site with over 600 training videos that will help you to quickly ramp up your technology capabilities - and keep you current as they add more. My clients and small business audiences often joke that they should have their 16 year old nephew teach them how this technolog...
Go Back To School on the Internet With Grovo
Grovo is an educational site with over 600 training videos that will help you to quickly ramp up your technology capabilities - and keep you current. Grovo is more than a field guide to the Internet. It's like a trusted friend that is always willing to take the time to share the latest tips and tricks with you and your team. Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2011 at Jeff Korhan - New Media and Small Business Marketing
Well said, that dip has tried to suck me under many times - like most of last month.
I think we all thought this would be easy when we got into it, but you have accurately identified the fact that it's not a place for dabblers. :)
Enchantment - A Conversation with Guy Kawasaki
Last week I had the pleasure of interviewing Guy Kawasaki in advance of today's launch of his new book: Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions . In the following podcast Guy shares his passion for entrepreneurism and small business, as well as some interesting stories abou...
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