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Hi Tim,
Thanks for the nice mention of my book "The Joy of Digital Photography." I'm actually just beginning a complete revision that will be out (let's hope) about this time next year.
I had no idea the Mudhens were real! I thought Klinger (M*A*S*H) made the up. I love the ballpark shots--and wow, what a great view from the hotel room.
Your waterfall shots are terrific! Maybe destiny is pushing you toward photography :)
Photo Books: Starting Out
Nikon D200, Nikkor 18-70mmf/3.5-4.5 @ 25mm, ISO 100, 1/60 @ f/7 Once people get either an advanced digital camera or a new dSLR the first question is, how do I learn to have fun with this thing. Well there are a number of things they can do including taking a class. To begin with thoug...
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