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Oh yuck, how terrible. I'm so sorry she had to deal with that. I guess it at least let her know which boys to avoid spending time with. :(
Alex talks texting
This is sponsored content from BlogHer and LG Text Ed Okay - here's Alex answering some tough (and not-so-tough) questions about texting. Please leave him a comment! Have you had a conversation with your kids (or nephews/nieces, grandchildren) about texting, sexting and safety? BlogHer ...
Thanks, Suebob! He's a keeper :)
Alex talks texting
This is sponsored content from BlogHer and LG Text Ed Okay - here's Alex answering some tough (and not-so-tough) questions about texting. Please leave him a comment! Have you had a conversation with your kids (or nephews/nieces, grandchildren) about texting, sexting and safety? BlogHer ...
jenijen is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Happy, happy, HAPPY birthday. Hope that you get plenty of rest and more good stuff than you know what to do with!
I'm on the road today, heading up to Sea Ranch to spend a long weekend with my husband, my mother and several friends to celebrate my birthday on Friday. Age is just a number, but this number will end with a 0, so I wanted to do something special to mark the occasion. I could think of nothing ...
Lots more. The awesome kids are just the start ;)
all of this hinges on the mercury
While we were in vancouver, sitting around my parents table, enjoying a family meal toby piped up with "i can't
Happy (very late!) Birthday, Jess. It *has* been a really big fucking year. I'm so excited for all the things you have coming right now. You're my idol in lots of ways, you awesome single mom of four kids, you. xo
our favourite topic is nothing, nothing at all
my waking life is wasting away it's my birthday. i am old and young. i
this made me really, really happy tonight! YAY, jess! xoxo
my goal this year is to challenge myself - here is #1
Can't wait to see you, Jess. xo
someone kind who'd understand
I have had a great few days. A great few days that have left me on the verge of total exhaustion. In preparation
he is SO gorgeous
my boy
just a little glimpse of sam... my special, wonderous, mysterious, human incarnate of the tazmanian devil, sweet little love... just trying to stay sane and happy on a very snowy monday. :o) xo, jenny
heeee! hope you are keeping warm up there, sweets! xoxo
all i want for christmas is...
yippeeeeee! xoxo, jen
I love it too! You have OldSkool lights - my very most favorite kind :)
oh december, what a mixed bag you are... just a quick image that made me smile... more soon! xoxo, jen
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