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Laya is now following heatherbailey
May 2, 2010
Can you go ten minutes without checking your outfit in the mirror? Is your email inbox flooded with alerts from, Nordstrom, and similar companies? Is a significant portion of your paycheck budgeted for frivolous fashion fun? You and I, we are the same! Why, one time I pulled weeds... Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2010 at Laya's blog
I've got an eye for fashion. A keen one, at that. I find some of the most fashionable pieces of fashion to ever grace the streets of whatever city it is that I happen to be in at that time. That's basically what I do. When I was 7 years... Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2010 at Laya's blog
Laya is now following The Typepad Team
May 2, 2010