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Jennifer Eremeeva
Somewhere between Moscow and Northampton
Veteran American expatriate, calling Moscow home for 17 years, on a quest to find the funnier side of life Russia.
Recent Activity
We're Moving!
Visit Russia Lite today! Feeling peckish? We have just the thing for you, The Moscovore -- an entire site dedicated to finding, cooking, and celebrating great food in the Russian capital. The Moscovore makes being a foodie fun and easy, with handy conversion tables, downloadable Russian/English shopping lists, recipes, articles, product reviews and much more. Visit both sites today! Continue reading
Posted Oct 23, 2011 at Dividing My Time
Christophe -- any time you didn't put pen to paper with your beautiful handwriting was a crime! But how nice that you have all the lovely kit in your office. Isn't the iPad the news, though!
Спасибо, Steve!
I’ve written before about the importance of getting thank you notes off promptly. “Don’t let the sun go down, thrice” I nag Velvet. It seems, however, that I’ve been remiss about writing the thank you note I owe Steve Jobs, who died yesterday. I picked up the news about it on the latest of my ...
Thanks Alison for those thoughts. I remember your first computer was a Mac and how astonishing it seemed! I also recall your partner being an early convert to all things iPod and pointing out to me that all the Mac products are designed to be swirled and caressed, are all dials and round instead of the sharp window edges. I always point that out to HRH who has torn through the key pads of about 2 Mac Book Airs and keeps poking his iPad impatiently!
Спасибо, Steve!
I’ve written before about the importance of getting thank you notes off promptly. “Don’t let the sun go down, thrice” I nag Velvet. It seems, however, that I’ve been remiss about writing the thank you note I owe Steve Jobs, who died yesterday. I picked up the news about it on the latest of my ...
Спасибо, Steve!
I'm big on thank you notes. I was remiss in not sending one sooner to Steve Jobs. Continue reading
Posted Oct 6, 2011 at Dividing My Time
The Bodies Politic
The Russian election process takes about 35 minutes, thanks to a dedicated avoidance of things like campaign debates, C-SPAN and Jon Stewart. Continue reading
Posted Sep 28, 2011 at Dividing My Time
You embolden me to bore the universe with an entire blog post on this! give me a few days!
Un-friending Dmitry Medvedev
If you are a Russia watcher (and if you aren’t, why on earth are you reading this blog?) you will be up to speed about the big announcement over the weekend that Putin will be running for president of Russia in 2012. I don’t know about you, but I personally did not need to hold on to anyth...
Un-friending Dmitry Medvedev
I spent about 30 seconds feeling a little bit sorry for Dmitry “Lamest Duck Ever” Medvedev, if only because I think Mrs. Medvedeva is probably giving him a helluva time... Continue reading
Posted Sep 26, 2011 at Dividing My Time
Dear FRWS:
I spent three days wondering what your name might mean. I'm still wondering.
For an electric skillet, try Williams & Olliver in Smolensky Passazh. If they don't have it, no one will. Why do you want an electric skillet? Are you living in a dorm?
As for an electric blanket -- wait a few more days until the heat comes on and then perhaps you can just cross that one off your To-do list. For more information, check out this post on the trials and tribulations of living with Russian central heating:
Curb Your Enthusiasm!
HRH, (my “Horrible Russian Husband”) has some friends who are high up in government circles, and then he has an even larger number who would like you to think they are. Gena Varyenkov falls into the latter group. He spends a lot of time trying to convince everyone that he is privy to all kin...
Jennifer Eremeeva is now following The Best Cookbooks List
Sep 11, 2011
It is a shocker, isn't it, if you aren't ready for it. I am intrigued by the PH issue: your existing brick, was, indeed, perfect. One associate (who prefers not to be named) says that it is because SS needs the money for elections, but I think that can't be right since he won't be running....very odd.
Curb Your Enthusiasm!
HRH, (my “Horrible Russian Husband”) has some friends who are high up in government circles, and then he has an even larger number who would like you to think they are. Gena Varyenkov falls into the latter group. He spends a lot of time trying to convince everyone that he is privy to all kin...
It is very tedious, is it not, to have a writing colleague who does nothing but describe mayonaise based salads? And I agree, bologna does not kick a recipe off to the best start!
Russian Dolls...A New All-Time Low!!
Here’s a confession. My daughter Velvet and I are addicted to bad reality TV shows, which is out of character for us both. I’m meant to be the brainy intellectual/witty writer type, and she is supposed to be the outdoorsy/horsey type. We hide it well, but catch us on a rainy Friday evenin...
All over what????? Or all over as in KAPUT?!?!
Curb Your Enthusiasm!
HRH, (my “Horrible Russian Husband”) has some friends who are high up in government circles, and then he has an even larger number who would like you to think they are. Gena Varyenkov falls into the latter group. He spends a lot of time trying to convince everyone that he is privy to all kin...
Marc, lovely to hear from you! Intrigued on your take -- and more importantly your wife and daughter's take on the show. My emigre friends are all horrified. The dialog is a howl, though, isn't it?
Russian Dolls...A New All-Time Low!!
Here’s a confession. My daughter Velvet and I are addicted to bad reality TV shows, which is out of character for us both. I’m meant to be the brainy intellectual/witty writer type, and she is supposed to be the outdoorsy/horsey type. We hide it well, but catch us on a rainy Friday evenin...
I'm astonished your better half let you do that.
Russian Dolls...A New All-Time Low!!
Here’s a confession. My daughter Velvet and I are addicted to bad reality TV shows, which is out of character for us both. I’m meant to be the brainy intellectual/witty writer type, and she is supposed to be the outdoorsy/horsey type. We hide it well, but catch us on a rainy Friday evenin...
It seems like a win win, doesn't it Spymom!?!?!?!
Curb Your Enthusiasm!
HRH, (my “Horrible Russian Husband”) has some friends who are high up in government circles, and then he has an even larger number who would like you to think they are. Gena Varyenkov falls into the latter group. He spends a lot of time trying to convince everyone that he is privy to all kin...
Maureen, that is pretty amazing! It has to be my first musical tribute!
Curb Your Enthusiasm!
HRH, (my “Horrible Russian Husband”) has some friends who are high up in government circles, and then he has an even larger number who would like you to think they are. Gena Varyenkov falls into the latter group. He spends a lot of time trying to convince everyone that he is privy to all kin...
Jennifer Eremeeva is now following spymom
Aug 30, 2011
I always thought the high-heel wearers in Moscow had to be gold diggers, but I didn't take it THAT literally!!!
Hope you are well!
Curb Your Enthusiasm!
HRH, (my “Horrible Russian Husband”) has some friends who are high up in government circles, and then he has an even larger number who would like you to think they are. Gena Varyenkov falls into the latter group. He spends a lot of time trying to convince everyone that he is privy to all kin...
Curb Your Enthusiasm!
So, former Moscow mayor Luzhkov told current mayor, Sergei Sobyanin that the streets of Moscow are paved with gold. So, Sobyanin started digging... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2011 at Dividing My Time
As a blogger who fearlessly features plasticine and Q-Tip body parts on her platform, I think perhaps it is a little slow for you, but, as Masha above suggests, have a 20 minute break and enjoy!!
Russian Dolls...A New All-Time Low!!
Here’s a confession. My daughter Velvet and I are addicted to bad reality TV shows, which is out of character for us both. I’m meant to be the brainy intellectual/witty writer type, and she is supposed to be the outdoorsy/horsey type. We hide it well, but catch us on a rainy Friday evenin...
That is a very good point I was a tad hesitant to bring up.
Russian Dolls...A New All-Time Low!!
Here’s a confession. My daughter Velvet and I are addicted to bad reality TV shows, which is out of character for us both. I’m meant to be the brainy intellectual/witty writer type, and she is supposed to be the outdoorsy/horsey type. We hide it well, but catch us on a rainy Friday evenin...
Thanks Matt! Appreciate the complement and always fun to hear from someone else who is enjoying a "mixed marriage."
Russian Dolls...A New All-Time Low!!
Here’s a confession. My daughter Velvet and I are addicted to bad reality TV shows, which is out of character for us both. I’m meant to be the brainy intellectual/witty writer type, and she is supposed to be the outdoorsy/horsey type. We hide it well, but catch us on a rainy Friday evenin...
Not sure this should be the first thing someone starving for Russian anything should be. But would love to get together!
Russian Dolls...A New All-Time Low!!
Here’s a confession. My daughter Velvet and I are addicted to bad reality TV shows, which is out of character for us both. I’m meant to be the brainy intellectual/witty writer type, and she is supposed to be the outdoorsy/horsey type. We hide it well, but catch us on a rainy Friday evenin...
You embolden me...
Russian Dolls...A New All-Time Low!!
Here’s a confession. My daughter Velvet and I are addicted to bad reality TV shows, which is out of character for us both. I’m meant to be the brainy intellectual/witty writer type, and she is supposed to be the outdoorsy/horsey type. We hide it well, but catch us on a rainy Friday evenin...
You are, of course, the classiest Beet in the whole wide world! I laughed too...but at them, you know, not with them. Big difference.
Russian Dolls...A New All-Time Low!!
Here’s a confession. My daughter Velvet and I are addicted to bad reality TV shows, which is out of character for us both. I’m meant to be the brainy intellectual/witty writer type, and she is supposed to be the outdoorsy/horsey type. We hide it well, but catch us on a rainy Friday evenin...
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