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Jennifer Jeffrey
San Francisco, California
I'm a freelance writer + editor who loves laughter, good chocolate, and lazy Sunday mornings.
Interests: Art, apples, black ink, Converse, elephants, France, greyhounds, the New York Times, pencils, photography, Portland, typography, yoga
Recent Activity
Jennifer Jeffrey is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
This is beautiful, Fatemeh. I'm so glad you were able to find that resolution. Thank you for sharing...
1 reply
Aww, he looks tuckered out... welcome to the world, little one. Congrats to you & Alethea.
Toggle Commented Nov 11, 2009 on It's a Boy! at The Bullet List
1 reply
YAY!!! This is going to rock! So excited for you.
Toggle Commented Nov 11, 2009 on Even Miracles Have a Start Time at The Bullet List
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Tiffany - You're the best! Thank you. Jennifer - Hello to you too! Yes, I would recommend Crowdspring - it's worth it if you have the time to really engage with the process and give feedback throughout. Mark - That means a lot, coming from you! Many thanks.
Toggle Commented Jul 17, 2009 on The Big Reveal at Jennifer Jeffrey, Writer & Editor
1 reply
Jaden - Hee! Glad you like the site. Isn't this online playground fun? :) Kristina - Thanks so much! I'm really glad you like it.
1 reply
Wow. What a great shot. I'm envious of your time with Marcus... what wonderful things you've learned. Wish I could share tea with you and hear some of your stories. xox
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Jennifer Jeffrey is now following Andy
May 11, 2009
Jennifer Jeffrey is now following Mark Simmons
May 11, 2009
Jennifer Jeffrey is now following Jim Ramsey
May 8, 2009
Jennifer Jeffrey is now following Pim
May 8, 2009
Jennifer Jeffrey is now following Ginevra
May 3, 2009
It was well worth the wait, wasn't it? So extraordinary in every way...
Toggle Commented Apr 17, 2009 on Contigo at Hedonia
1 reply
This issue has flummoxed me for a while. GREAT tip - thanks, Andy!
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Jen - yes, it's quite an interesting experiment. Not entirely sure how I feel about it yet, but it's been a good learning experience. Genie - cool! It seems like smaller projects are ideal for something like this. Courtney - thanks for weighing in with your thoughts! I'm preparing more focused feedback for the designers that seem to be "getting it" - so this really helps. Merci!
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Aw, Sean - you're the best! Thanks! Tea - that's about as glamorous as my office being in the same room with a broken washing machine; I step over stray wires to get to my desk. Just call me Fancy. Lydia - yay! So glad. Courtney - you're in, baby.
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Ah, the moodiness of the Sonoma Coast... you're right, it's simply magical. Thanks for the reminder, Sean. I have a hankering for oysters right about now...
Toggle Commented Mar 4, 2009 on Sonoma coast, my love at Hedonia
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Tea - you're so right - bits and pieces of the fantasy do pop up from time to time. And so we keep writing. I would LOVE IT if you wrote a record of your day. Maybe we could create a meme (PURELY opt-in, of course) for any writers who might want to participate...? Keep up the word-wrestling - you're so good at it, you simply must. xox
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I like that this packaging not only tells a story, but that it tells a somewhat dark story. It's brave, I think, for a wine brand to go beyond the standard "dreamy wine lifestyle" message to convey a far more compelling tale... What a fabulous conversation starter at a dinner party!
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Tea: well, I'm glad at least that we have ice cream forays. That's pretty cool... Genie: yeah, I'd like this life too. Sigh. Sam: well - have a parachute handy when you read the real deal; it's quite a fall - ;-)
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Hey - AWESOME theme! This might be my favorite TypePad theme EVER. Seriously. Great job, Jim.
Toggle Commented Feb 27, 2009 on New Theme! at Everything Typepad
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I ADORE Stumptown. It is entirely worth a trip to Portland just for its own sake. I have to say that this design doesn't "wow" me - the "plain brown paper" package has been done many times, but the pocket concept is very cool. And in any case, I'd buy their coffee even if it came in a Ziploc. ;-)
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Tiffany - "different, not dead" - I like it! Courtney - a writing exercise! Yay! Nicole - I know, it's so fun to see what other writers are doing. Elizabeth - thank you so much, and thanks for reading!
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I absolutely adore this. (Use of the screw-caps as pupils: fabulous) Quite possibly my favorite carton design EVER.
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Tea - oh, but you make a marvelous YOU, and I think most of us would trade our scrappy-ness for your published-author-ness. ;-) Tiffany - you are such a great example of kick-butt freelancer! And it's good to be back. Kevin - you're right on all counts - paying for health insurance IS a drag. And I totally understand your loathing of the endless effort to sell - it's no fun. But I much prefer the sense of control over my own destiny, and not having to ask Cindy in HR for permission to take Friday off...
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