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Interests: This blog is a place for Jenn & Kerry, two creative gals who live 619 miles apart, to share inspiration, ideas, and our own projects.
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I love this project! Ali is always so inspiring and has THE BEST designs!
You're so welcome! I can't believe I'm just now seeing this comment. It did take some extra time and was worth it for sure. My gallery wall is still up with only a few swap outs for some some family portraits we had made :)
Toggle Commented May 12, 2016 on gallery wall installation at 619 miles
My faves from this summer: Girl on a Train, Ashely's War, and We'd you go Bernadette?
Toggle Commented Sep 1, 2015 on Five on Friday: July Reading List at Kelly Purkey
The wildwood is my fave too, only in the celadon color. I was just shopping for new bedding fro my stepdaughter's room today!
Jess Lively recently had a podcast with Alexandra Franzen and they talked about this book and the book "Less" and in the show notes Jess made a printable of the checklist from tidying Up. I know you mentioned that you wrote it down, but I thought it might be handy to pass it along.
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I love seeing these types of photos! I've been thinking about making my own book of sorts and I wondered how and where you were getting yours published/printed. Super cool!
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I've been wanting to improve my hand-lettering for a while now and on my way over to my deployment I found a great course that I binge watched in one sitting. The Better Lettering Course is the brain child of Caroline of Made Vibrant. Kerry took the course too and... Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2015 at 619 miles
Hello there blog readers! I'm going to start this post off with a few disclaimers. I don't necessarily consider myself a "runner" but I have been running a lot lately. I've pretty much never reached any of my running goals in the past, but this one is different. I had... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2015 at 619 miles
I just finished the Whole30 eating plan this week. I was worried about bread too, but I didn't crave it AT ALL. I even drank my coffee black. It's so worth it to treat our bodies to good food! I'm back to dairy, but I don't have much desire at all to go back to breads. Keep it up!!
I ALWAYS pack in pouches. they're great especially with cords and stuff.
Toggle Commented Jan 30, 2015 on Packing Tips: Pack in Pouches at Kelly Purkey
I would print photos and some artwork to decorate my walls
I remember reading your initial post and I thought it sounded like an interesting idea. Then I listened to this podcast: (besides yours, I listen to this gal's podcast every week!) I was running on the treadmill as I was out of town for work and I thought: I NEED to try this. I really need to eliminate more clothes to make room for my husband who moved in with me after we were married in January, That poor man is lacking some closet real-estate. I unsubscribed from my email lists as well and it has made a huge difference. The longer I have gone without shopping the easier it has become. I wear a uniform for both of my jobs and I used to justify shopping with "I wanna have fun stuff to wear since I wear a uniform all the time." The reality is that I DON'T need that many clothes because I wear uniforms ALL the time (hello military life!) You also probably know that uniforms in all types and assortments take up a lot of SPACE! I've really been thinking about selling all the "extra clothes" I get rid of. Did you do this and do you have any tips for maybe selling extra stuff online. I have a TON of things that I maybe wore only once. Anwho..... Thanks for sharing an update, I love to hear how people manage this wardrobe challenge.
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My fave is "I Mint It"
Toggle Commented Oct 14, 2014 on a party polish {giveaway}...(now closed) at Oh Joy!
I'm so excited for this. I can't wait to but a t-shirt or two!!
I really like both, but I think I'd like to try the half painted door in my house.
So pretty! These were my wedding flowers, so I just love this print :)
Toggle Commented Sep 30, 2014 on New Science Poster- Anemone study at VOL.25
That fitbit bracelet is GENIUS! I've been wanting to get a fitbit, but they're just not that cute... this however is so pretty!!! Also, I'm curious about the size of the t-shirt you received. I'm usually an xs at jcrew, but sometimes their sizes can be weird and I'd want it to be a little baggie, but not too too big, ya know?!?! thanks for some great links :)
1 reply
My faves are the blah blah phone case and the pen set!
Happy Labor Day! I was originally scheduled to be working, but I paid someone to take my days of work (this Flight Attendant gig is strange sometimes...paying someone to work for you?!?!?). The highlights from August were two Southwest trips, my check-ride at the Guard, landscaping at Tony's house we... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2014 at 619 miles
I really enjoy your podcasts. I started listening on my long drives back anf forth between KY & NC, but I've recently switched to listening when I run. I LOVE listening to podcasts when I run now. It's so much more enjoyable than "zoning" out to music and if I listen to a longer one, I don't want to stop running so I can hear everything!
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Poor Kerry had to have hip surgery a couple of weeks ago. She's doing well recovering and her husband and family are taking good care of her. She hasn't been able to sit upright, so she has to lie down most of the time. So what's a crafty gal to... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2014 at 619 miles
I would love a bunch of their stuff for my stepdaughter's room that we are re-doing. I would pick the sequin cat pillow and the bunny ears hand jewelry holder. I also really love that wonderful sign. Super fun!
I hope you guys enjoyed checking out the Save the Dates. I used them as the jumping off point for the actual invitations. As I mentioned before I really loved how the mountains turned out and if you've ever been up to the Blue Ridge Mountains I think you'd agree... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2014 at 619 miles
I've been having lots of fun lately with this new app from A Beatiful Mess called Party Party. You can make the most fun stop-motion videos and .gifs. Sometimes I download fun apps and then forget about them or I don't use them because it takes too long going through... Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2014 at 619 miles