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San Francisco, CA
I help companies drive growth through customer centricity
Interests: Managing Director at Farther (
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Introducing White Board Wednesdays
A weekly video series on how to attract and keep customers, faster and more efficiently. Our first video is up! Only 15 min long, I explore key concepts in customer centricity. Click here to access the video. Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2018 at Jennifer Rice
Jennifer is now following Rob Paterson
Aug 23, 2018
Jennifer has shared their blog Jennifer Rice
Aug 23, 2018
Community integrated and transversal (systems not silos)... YES. I've been noodling on this quite a bit lately (finally rejoining the blogosphere after an eternity off!). Writing about coherence and would love your thoughts. My next post will address some of the issues you raise, namely expanding the boundaries of your system to include the people who should really be a part of it (like the community!) Cheers, Jennifer
Health - We know the answers but we are stuck - How do we get unstuck?
The Canadian Medical Association - Doctors - is travelling the nation and hosting town halls about health. I am surprised at how brilliant these meetings are. They get it. That we have to make the shoft to prevention - which is not about drugs or pills. This is the view of the CMA! But our instu...
Jennifer is now following The Zennist
Dec 29, 2012
the best way is to walk around in Vibrams. I love my Vibrams and wear them to the gym, errands, etc. I don't run in them. This strengthens arches, allows your toes to spread, trains you to walk more on your forefoot... all the benefits of barefoot running.
Three ways to get the benefits of barefoot running without actually running barefoot
With the surging popularity of barefoot running, it would seem that for the triathlete, barefoot running currently ranks up there with all-you-can-eat buffet coupons, a Clydesdale triathlete cycling in front of you on a windy day, and unicorns that toot free energy bars. But although I didn't ...
Good post, and nicely written as always... agree 100%.
crossing lines
Over the last couple of days, a question has been bothering me - when do the ends justify the means? I was driving home Sunday evening, and NPR was a-buzz about President Obama's impending announcement that American forces had found and killed Osama bin Laden. I watched the speech, heard the ...
Great post. I just got into triathlon (and running and swimming and sports in general) last year at 41. This year I'm training for my first half IM. I love that I'm redefining what 40+ means.
You are never too old for triathlon
Once you reach 40+ (might as well lump in 39, too), you’re just over the hill and too old for triathlons. Just ask Liz Pittinger, Harry Chapman and Roger Brockenbrough. Ranging from 39 years old to 77, these “older” athletes are proving there is no age limit in endurance sports! Liz Pittinger,...
Jennifer is now following Junkmiles
Feb 16, 2011
Tragic, and I'm not so sure about the "good news"... that's probably because everyone in America is on blood-pressure medication instead of actually eating right and exercising!
New study: 68 percent of Americans are now overweight or obese
A new study by the the medical journal The Lancet, has come to a startling conclusion: nearly 7 out of 10 Americans are either overweight of obese. Furthermore the study also found that obesity worldwide almost doubled between 1980 and 2008. For the purpose of this study, "BMI in excess of 25 ...
Jennifer is now following Caratunkgirl
Jan 8, 2011
Jennifer is now following Coach Joe LoPresto
Jan 1, 2011
Jennifer is now following 17281posse
Jan 1, 2011
Ben, good recap, thanks! I've been thinking of getting a coach. Your #3 suggests that it's a lot better to get a local coach (assuming they have this network.) What are your thoughts on local vs. distance coaching? - Jennifer
The five new rules of triathlon coaching (part 2)
* Please click HERE for part 1. Triathlon Coaching New Rule #3) Teams Are Paramount. A triathlon coach cannot and should not be a lone wolf. Every coach should be surrounded by a team that can help the athlete get results, and that team should include a sports medicine physician and/or ortho...
Jennifer is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
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