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Wow, You don't know how big his head gets when you talk like that. He will be VERY hard to live with for at least a week.
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That was when SNL was actually funny. Belushi, what a waste, all that talent.
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Cement? Needs a little explaination. Which end are we speaking of?
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Haha, that was good, and you captured my good side, along with the bottle of "Irish Mist"
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Top of the mornin to you Irish from O'JA the hairy News leprechaun.
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See you allow women to go to school, and they invent a whole new language.
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Excuse me there Hey you, but is that English you were typing here.
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Yes she does, followed by a loud toot.
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Swish time? Oh my are you saying our presi pres pre pr p gosh I can't bring myself to say that word in the same sentence with the swisher. is a funny fellow?
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As my old grand pappy used to say "almost six ax handles wide" That Obama can't seem to keep his hands off of butt, one would think he may be among the loafer set.
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Hey that face! I've seen it somewhere before? If I'm right, I can see why the red Deer are extinct, she probably ate them all in one setting.
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You hit that one on the nose!
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When you say "buy something else" what you really mean is if you want it to work and last more than a day, then buy something else.
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No my friend, it takes time to regain a sense of humor after half the world was using my name. The cost of the lawyer is almost as bad as losing money down the rat hole. I will be fine once this is all over. The best thing that happened is my credit rating is now -500, so no more cards drawn in my name, hopefully. Funny thing is she SOLD my info to so many.
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Well it seems that almost all the money is recoverable (which I must admit is very uplifting) but the person(s) responsible are now begging me not to prosecute. I just told her through my lawyer, to kiss her backside goodbye. This person took advantage of my friendship and now wants mercy, sorry! All she had to do was ask me and I would have helped her.
Toggle Commented Mar 13, 2012 on ACTION: CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER at Big Hairy News
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The greatest compliment a beautiful conservative woman can ask for, is top be called a nut case by the insane at the daily shiite hole. Congratulations I envy you your achievement.
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The animal on the bottom right, thats an orangutan isn't it. Although I never seen one with glasses.
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Top pictures are of women, that I can see, but the bottom pictures are of wild animals, is it fair to compare?
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Super genius reporting, what can I do for you?
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I just ran out of light bulbs. Went out to get some and was told they were fifty dollars apiece. Progress! With progress like this we will all starve.
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Wait are you saying Obama is not mentally challenged? HMMMMMM why he had me fooled! Anyone with ears that big definitely has a problem of some sort.
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Reason for what? HMMMM am I missing something?
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It wasn't a guy!!!
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Was that for me Hey You? No The world has turned ugly.
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Obama doesn't like women! Now if she were a he I could believe it. Sorry guys things beyond my control have over shadowed humor. Hope to be back to "normal" soon.
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