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TECH 251
One line isn't enough.
Interests: PC Games, XBOX 360 Games, Satellite TV, Nocturnal Life, Exercise, Longboarding
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Posted Apr 6, 2011 at Jered Miralles' Blog
Posted Apr 4, 2011 at Jered Miralles' Blog
assignment #1 due mon 3/14 Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2011 at Jered Miralles' Blog
done with assignment #2 due mon 3/14 Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2011 at Jered Miralles' Blog
A very clean and simple looking image. The beach ball and the bird look a bit off in terms of overrall crispness, but it goes with a good theme. The boat looks fairly realistic on the other hand, only problem is with the shadowing and lighting. I like how you've put a sunsent in the background, it looks really nice.
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2011 on Nantuket After at SammieSam's blog
I think the mythical sea theme is very cool. The cloning tool was a bit abused and the images added in could look better with some color adjustments. But i also really like what you've done with the sky to give the whole image an epic feel. Overrall good job.
Very intense. Removing the bridge and adding something in were the minimum requirements, but this definately blows it out of the water, almost literally. A very solid, well put-together post-apocalyptic/future-war theme. it all looks very clean with the intense graphics going on. Great job.
All about me: 1. What is your major here at El Camino? Kinesiology (Physical Therapy) 2. What other courses are you taking? I'm also taking English1A 3. Do you know where the computer lab is? Nope :) 4. Do you know the computer lab's hours? If so, what are they, if not, post them from the white board tomorrow. No idea. And they are not on the white-board 5. Do you know of any designers, if so, who? No i do not 6. Who is a successful designer in every day America? I'm not very familiar with the art world... 7. If you could fly or be invisible, which would you choose and why? Ability to fly hands down. FREE SKYDIVING!!! 8. What is your goal in the outcome of this class for yourself? To play on my srtsy side and learn a fwew things about photoshop 9. What is something about you that we would never learn without your answering this question? I've eaten an entire medium pizza before 10. What is a successful design element in our classroom as well as not successful design element? It could be environmental, product-based, or print-based. I'm loving the huge computer screens. Don't like my current seat becuase i have to turn around and look up to see the projector screen. Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2011 at Jered Miralles' Blog
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