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Jeremy Jacobs
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Jeremy Jacobs is now following Tom
Nov 30, 2011
I wonder if things will catch up with the former Prime Minister
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I think the only way to get "Ukippers" back on board is to go further that a referendum (what would be the question(s)anyway?. In my view, the European Communities Act 0f 1972 needs to be repealed.
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Have you seen Geoff Burch in action? There's a short video of him at
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IBM has been mentioned. Rumour has it they aided the Nazi's in devising systems for tracking "undesirables".
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It's probably just one of those things. Calm down
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Andrew I take your point. In my experience, what's made me think,laugh or cry is the speaker or presenter not a piece of technology. In the end,it's all a matter of who you're delivering your message to. Tx for the link.
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Michael Levy's reputation has been tainted why shouldn't he sue?
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I really don't like this English Parliament stuff. There's one country - the United Kingdom. Excellent post Tom.
Toggle Commented Jul 10, 2007 on Gordon Brown and "Britain" at THE LAST DITCH
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Tom I'm going to have to take a back seat I'm afraid. I'm now doing a gig on July 1st.
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Novel way of keeping positive thoughts in your head. Positivr stuff here too
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Excellent post TP. Round here it's all private and religious schools, they don't fall into the equation. But, you're right one has to look at the majority of schools. Although no longer a Conservative supporter, I really can't believe they've actually become Blue Labour.
Toggle Commented May 17, 2007 on Edukashun, Edookayshen, Education at THE LAST DITCH
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I presume you are at a conference. I can't believe you are there for recreation.
Toggle Commented May 17, 2007 on Las Vegas at THE LAST DITCH
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What's this a Bloggers convention on the Croisette? James, you must pop in to the Vol-au-Vent bar. It's by the old marina.
Toggle Commented Mar 14, 2007 on Light blogging alert at THE LAST DITCH
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Which hotel are you staying at?
Toggle Commented Mar 13, 2007 on Light blogging alert at THE LAST DITCH
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If te allegations about Lord Levy turn out to be true then that Rabbi(see my Blog)is going to look awfully silly.
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Take a look at "Yid with Lid's" comments about Al Gore at Corporate Presenter. It's the polar bear post.
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Another federalist living in la la land. Anybody who thinks this "He dismisses the idea that Europe is not capitalist, describing it as "a place of freedoms, as enshrined in the EU Treaty"., IMHO, is mentally deranged and extremly dangerous. As for China and India not becoming economic power houses? What planet is he on?
Toggle Commented Feb 7, 2007 on The Conventional Wisdom at THE LAST DITCH
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Wow, what a testimonial. Ellee deserves it. A star indeed.
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No wonder we've ended up with a rubbish like Jade Goodie. (Compare matriculation exams of the 1920's to today's GSCE's)
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You are not alone!
Toggle Commented Jan 19, 2007 on Am I alone? at THE LAST DITCH
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"You won't be popular with Party bosses". and just how long do you suppose the "Ted Heath Traitor Party" is going to last for. UKIP is the new Conservative Party.
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Point taken about Memes. I'll lay off for the time being. Good quality comment is the best way to get noticed but thanks for your post. No doubt I'll have lots to say upon my return from Africa.
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B in F maybe a sh**hole but my hometown is probably the failure capital of the UK. Margate was once a half-decent seaside resort. Now it just has flats going up everywhere and hotels coming down.
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