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Excellent and quite useful ViPR SRM material. Can you do all of us non-report gurus a favor and record a camtasia of you walking through this?
Excellent analysis as always Chad. EMC and VMware SEs and, of course, customers appreciate your perspective and analogies!
She looks too full of energy to have just finished a marathon ;-) Congratulations to her for qualifying for the Boston and for finishing with a great time! I just ran a tiny little 8k yesterday and a half marathon at the end of 2010. I'm signed up for the Portland marathon happening this October. I don't think my wife will be live blogging the event though.
Toggle Commented Apr 18, 2011 on Boston 2011 Marathon at Virtual Geek
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like you are referring to two different EMC technologies: Fully Automated Storage Tiering (FAST) and FAST Cache which acts as an array cache expansion by simply adding EFDs with no downtime of the array. FAST tiering does occur on a scheduled basis to move hot data to high-performance drives and vice versa for cold data but FAST Cache is globally available to the entire array and acts in real-time to absorb peaks such as VDI bootstorms. Your chart is demonstrating the effects of FAST Cache, not FAST.
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Apr 15, 2011