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AN, you say, "So far, of all the scientific papers I have read in their entirety, I have yet to read one one that demonstrates methodologically sound isolation and a complete genetic sequencing." You hold this belief simply because you are listening to people like Andrew Wakefield who misinform you that proper isolation does not involve use of cell culture when in fact cell culture is literally considered the "gold standard" of virus isolation. If you want to find studies describing the isolation and whole genome sequencing of SARS-CoV-2, go to and search "isolation whole genome sequencing SARS-CoV-2" and you'll find a trove of peer-reviewed papers. You can also go to GenBank or GISAID and see how there are tens of thousands of published whole genome sequences of virus isolates from all over the world, which is how scientists are able to track the evolution of the virus as it passages through the human population, such as identifying novel variants like the one that emerged from the UK or the one that emerged from South Africa.
Jeff, it is ludicrous to suggest that I am "simply afraid to be confrontational" in the face of the authoritarian response to the COVID-19 pandemic when I have been speaking out publicly against it from the beginning. I am also being "confrontational" by criticizing misinformation being spread by some within the health freedom movement, such as the false claim that SARS-CoV-2 has never been isolated.
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Mar 9, 2021