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Jeryn Carlisi
San Francisco Bay Area
Wife to Rasta, mother to 2 crazy kids, scrapbooker, music enthusiast, LOST fanatic, obessed with all things Twilight, outspoken Leo
Interests: spirituality, astronomy, metaphysics, quantum physics, scrapbooking, graphic design, anthropology, astrology, archaeology, ancient egypt, ancient civilizations, kabbalah, conspiracy theories, anything techie, forbidden history, trying out different foods, tibetan culture
Recent Activity
I've moved!
You can find my new home here: Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2010 at Mango Island
It's Unscripted Sketches time- with a twist!
Hello again! Still MIA over here, but I see the light at the end of the tunnel! I hired my right hand person today to help alleviate the workload I have right now. Phew! Now I can stop doing 2 jobs half arsed and do my job exceedingly well. This seriously will mean more energy and more time with Photoshop. I am one happy person today. :D It's going to take some effort to get back into the blogging sphere; composing and reading them. Do not fret, Mango Islanders. I have a few things up my sleeve. ;-) This week... Continue reading
Posted Feb 20, 2010 at Mango Island
Papaya, papaya, coconut, banana
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Posted Feb 10, 2010 at Mango Island
Happy LOST day!
If you are a die hard Lostie like I am you are probably juiced about the premiere tonight. I.cannot.wait. Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2010 at Mango Island
Ha! Take that mojo killer called work!
I am feeling good. Quite good actually because I was crafty this weekend! Now granted I didn't get to spend all weekend being crafty the mojo definitely got some time while still hanging out with the family. With Valentine's right around the corner I decided to get on the ball and make some love cards! Completed a Valentine's card that I will be duplicating so I can sell on my crafty store on Etsy along with a few other designs I did a few years back, but never got around to selling them. This picture was taken with my iPhone... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2010 at Mango Island
Making a come back
Hey folks! It's me, the stranger. It's been awhile, yes I know. Life is still pretty crazy now with work consuming pretty much all my time. Like I said before that makes for no motivation in my craft room. But motivation struck me last night! I want to do a few Valentine's cards so I actually rummaged through some supplies and are now ready to work on them. Yay! I was planning on staying up late last night to finish a digi LO I started two weeks ago but by the time I got Joey to bed it was already... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2010 at Mango Island
New year, new banner
I thought that it was finally time to get a new banner designed now that the holidays are done and it's the 16th of January and all. The supplies are mainly from one of my fave designers, Lauren Reid. This kit is probably one of my all time faves that I consistently use all the time. Just checking in. I've been super busy with work- this last 2 weeks working really long hours- but since I've been doing a few design things I think i actually want to do an all nighter tonight to work on a LO. Designing is... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2010 at Mango Island
Post New Years
It's 5 days after the New Years and I am proud to say that I am sticking to my resolutions. Are you? Remember to take it one day at a time. What have I been up to since New Years? One word: Work. Typically the beginning of the year is such a busy time for me so I will try my very best to keep in touch here and there and hopefully be able to keep up with the many blogs I follow on my Google reader, but bare with me. :) On another note, I have restarted Project 365... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2010 at Mango Island
I've decided on 2 changes so that I don't overwhelm myself:
1. Become more patient with life and those around me.
2. Become more organized with my daily life- make daily goals and stick to them.
If I can work through these two throughout the year this will make for huge positive changes in my life.
Welcome to 2010!
Welcome to the new year! I hope that you enjoyed our "holiday cheer" over the month of December. A big thank you to Lisa Damrosch, for all of her wonderful ideas! It's 2010! Wow! I can't believe we have hit the decade mark again. Then again, when I look back at the last ten years much has ha...
And the winner is...
Thank you to all of you who left comments with your resolution(s) for 2010. I worked very hard this weekend to stick to my resolutions, constantly reminding myself of them. I hope each of you are doing the same. Just keep telling yourself that you CAN do it!! And now for the winner of the blog candy. Drum roll please... Congratulations, Rhonda! Please email me your addy at [email protected]. It's back to work today. Lots of stuff to do but I am going to be patient and stick to my to-do list so I will be less stressed and get... Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2010 at Mango Island
It's resolution time
Happy New Years! I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe New Years Eve. The hubby and I stayed home, as usual, and rang in the New Year with a movie. Actually, the hubby was fast asleep before midnight while I was reading up on some Twilight fan fiction, my newest addition. We don't dare go out to any overpriced parties or get caught in a checkpoint. Back in the younger years the hubby and I used to throw house parties for New Years, but now that we have Joey we're pretty much homebodies. If you made it to my... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2010 at Mango Island
Unscripted Sketches New Years blog hop!
Just a short note to announce that Unscripted Sketches will be doing a blog hop this Saturday. Come join us as you travel to each of our designer's blogs as we discuss our goals for 2010. I will be offering blog candy on mine, as I think several other designers are. You'll need to start on the Unscripted Sketches blog starting at 8 am EST. Hope you'll join us!! I'll be back again to update you on what I did on my vacation. It's finally starting to slow down a bit so I can catch my breath. Peace! Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2009 at Mango Island
Time to exhale
Hi blog. Oh how I've missed you so. I know. I've neglected you for several weeks. I'm sorry, but work has been kicking my buttocks. It still is, but I get the next 9 days to do everything but work. So I will fill you with laughter, some goodies, and some crafting. Thank you for hanging in there. I love you. :D So since I have the next 9 days off I have a few things planned to keep me busy: Start on the 2 Twilight swaps I joined Catch up on some Sketchy Thursday challenges Make some crafty gifts... Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2009 at Mango Island
This is awesome! Love the color combo.
Unscripted Vintage Christmas Card
If you have stamped for many (think 10ish) years, you may recognize this stamp. It is from Stampin’ Up!s Miracle of Christmas set and it is the first set I saw demonstrated. I loved it but was not in a position to buy it so I borrowed from a friend. Last year my neighbor/friend bought if for ...
You did an awesome job on the sketch. That's the great thing about the sketches; the idea is to be unscripted.
December is supposed to be a quiet month
It's been awhile since I've last posted and honestly, I've been avoiding my blog. Not really on purpose but the reality is my life is super busy right now with work being mad crazy. December is traditionally a slow month, work wise, but this year I am finding that anything and everything is falling on my lap while I am struggling to complete several major projects by year end. I'm overwhelmed at the moment, which means I have no motivation to scrap or blog. Just wanted to check in to let you know I'm still here. Hopefully by taking the... Continue reading
Posted Dec 9, 2009 at Mango Island
You can do it!
You've eating more food than you care to admit this Thanksgiving. You want to get to the gym but you feel like Homer Simpson and are struggling. I'm here to tell you that you can do it! Don't get Homer Simpson on me. If you need some incentive to go I'll tie the donut to the treadmill if you need me to. :D Continue reading
Posted Nov 30, 2009 at Mango Island
*It's starting to look a lot like Yule*
What a week! I feel like I was a SAHM this week because I got so much stuff done. Ok, having 4 days off helped immensely. With it being the holidays I really kicked it into gear and Yulized the house. The holidays are my favorite time of year and not because of the gift giving or receiving, but it puts me in a cheerful mood decorating the house and putting up the tree. BTW- We call it Yule in our house instead of Christmas. Yule is more traditional from the ancient days and actually pre-dates the Christian holiday of... Continue reading
Posted Nov 29, 2009 at Mango Island
Crafty goodness
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and you're able to roll out of bed. I know I'm going to be hitting the gym next week to burn off all this ham and bread I've been eating. Our Thanksgiving was good. We spent the morning with my dad and his wife and mother-in-law and then quickly came back to spend time with my mom. Luckily eating wasn't involved in that visit. To top off the night we went to my father-in-law's house to eat with him and my 2 brother-in-laws. I tried not to eat too much at each place but... Continue reading
Posted Nov 28, 2009 at Mango Island
There are so many things I am thankful for
Supplies: Heart of Thankfulness, Sugarplum Paperie, The Digi Chick Today is Thanksgiving Day and what's more appropriate than doing a post on what I am grateful and thankful for. I am thankful for: having the most wonderful husband. He's an awesome father and puts up with my wackiness. my kids, though they sometimes drive me crazy they are the joy of my life. my parents who raised me through some tough times and provided for me to the best of their abilities. having a job so that I can provide for my family. the friends I have who are the... Continue reading
Posted Nov 26, 2009 at Mango Island
Been hiding under a rock
I've been MIA. Have you noticed? I didn't do last week's Weekly Rewind. Last week was such a blur and honestly I'm sure you didn't want ANOTHER post on my New Moon ramblings because that would pretty much be what Weekly Rewind was going to be about. Now that the New Moon high has somewhat dwindled down I can return to the normal programming schedule called life. What have I been up to you ask? Well, because I love lists here's a list of what has been preoccupying my time: Finalizing the last few bios for the DT bio page... Continue reading
Posted Nov 25, 2009 at Mango Island
BTW- You are the first person to post your project to US, so make sure you grab the blinkie on the US website!
Unscripted Mini-Album Sneak Peek
I haven’t been available to participate in the Unscripted Sketches Saturday challenge in a long time. So today I am excited to be home* and play along. This is actually the cover of the mini-album I will be sharing in my 12 Days of Christmas Newsletter on Wed. It’s a great gift idea--and econ...
I thought you got a new blog. Congrats on the move!
Very cute cover. I like the brads that look like ornaments.
Unscripted Mini-Album Sneak Peek
I haven’t been available to participate in the Unscripted Sketches Saturday challenge in a long time. So today I am excited to be home* and play along. This is actually the cover of the mini-album I will be sharing in my 12 Days of Christmas Newsletter on Wed. It’s a great gift idea--and econ...
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