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Jessica Monte
Recent Activity
Thank GOD you well. I was scared to death when my husband had a colonoscopy had they found polyps the waiting was the hardest. But thank GOD he was fine. I get on him about not skipping his colonoscopy.
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I DON'T HAVE COLON CANCER!!! But, my colonoscopy wasn't free. My doctor removed a huge polyp that is now being biopsied. However, no matter what the results are, it won't turn into cancer in my body and that is the miracle here everyone! The real truth is this..... I have been scared to death fo...
Jessica Monte is now following Account Deleted
May 25, 2011
Very Cute I love my Slice elite and I realy enjoy seeing what everyone is creating. I really like your flowes they are so pretty.
Fabrique flowers
I finally used my Fabrique for something other than cotton!!!!! I can't wait to try some other heavier fabrics. I bought some pressed felt at Jo-Anns, its not the regular fuzzy felt, but still has a similar texture. I cleaned my hands free mat and applied a fresh coat of the spray adhesive, I...
Jessica Monte is now following Jpichot
May 24, 2011
Jessica Monte is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 25, 2011
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