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Jessica Peterson
Recent Activity
I always tell my students about the tapeworm thing. They love it. The other thing that they love is when I rant about "5 hour energy". The drink that gives you energy with no calories. We are studying cellular respiration right now and I am having them make calorimeters to find out what real energy is. Damn those "energy" drinks for confusing people.
Toggle Commented Feb 26, 2010 on Fad Diet Fun Facts at What's Eating You?
Yes, TJ's taco seasoning has quite a kick to it. I'm not a fan really. Plus, it is extremely salty tasting to me. Maybe that was what caused you to crave the cerveza. By the way... Did you drink it? + 10 points if you did.
Toggle Commented Feb 26, 2010 on Tofu tacos done wrong (right?) at What's Eating You?
Jessica Peterson is now following RobinRD
Feb 25, 2010
I don't know about that Robin. Most people eat like that at a wedding because they're BORED. Out of their minds.
Jessica Peterson is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 25, 2010