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Jessica Pollitt
Recent Activity
Gosh, this is a surprise! :-\
Good to know, thanks Jane...hopefully things will improve in due course...
Yarn shops in Bath Spa and the West Country
We've been talking about where to shop locally for yarn - so here's a wee list of yarn stockists in Bath Spa and its surrounding area. It's undoubtedly not comprehensive; please email me with details of ones I've missed! ------------------------------------------- Bath Spa and immediate area (ce...
Delighted that you like this book too - I've been smitten with K Jamie's work after discovering her this summer. I've just bought her latest work - the first book of poems that I've owned! We used to live in Edinburgh but she inspired us to visit farther north - we've booked to go to Orkney next year...cannae wait! :0)
Findings ~ Kathleen Jamie ... 'Darkness and Light'
Holiday reading can be a funny thing can't it, and Orkney certainly wasn't the place to sit with my nose stuck in a riveting novel all day long when there was so much to see. But if there is a 'best ' book to read during on Orkney sojourn, I can't think of a better one than Findings by Kathleen...
PS., you can buy her beautiful pottery here:
Jennie the potter
Delighted to see that Jennie the Potter's work is thriving and one of her sheepy mugs was featured in Rhinebeck! I bought some from her some 3 years back and they make me smile every day :-)
This would be handy too!
Row counter and tape measure :)
Last year a lovely vintage row counter (inside this wee waxed-paper packet) came into my possession. It is my favourite colour (Cornishware blue) and had a teeny-tiny tape-measure in the middle of it... Does it sound like an overreaction to say that it's transformed my life..? Never again will ...
Jessica Pollitt is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
The next Stitch’n’Bitch Tuesday meeting will be in a couple of weeks - on the 5th June in the Crystal Palace pub at 7pm.
We meet on the right-hand side of the bar – it’s quite a small group with varied ability so it’s fun..!
Hope you’re settling into Bath well!
Bye for now
And they say knitting is for relaxation...
Not that you'd know, from listening to me knit: the ranting and raving with fury as I gather up all those dropped stitches and rip inches off my needles (At the last S'n'B meeting I ripped 5 inches of carefully knitted smoke-ring scarf (garrrrh!) Wine please!). But it surely serves other funct...
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