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You made my day!
Interpretive Dunce - Black Hole Sun by Soundgarden
The Interpretive Dunce has returned for your pants! We're here to help you understand what song lyrics really mean. With the aid of the mighty Selectorbot 5000 your suggestions are turned into actual analysis! Sort of. Don't look to close. It's been a while. The Selectorbot 5000 has been in the...
The Alphabet of Regret: A is for Autism
There are nights when I dream you whole. When I imagine the myriad twists and gentle curls of your sulci as ocean: fluid and shifting, capable of surging into and over themselves and, in their course, reshaping these chasms of synapse and chemistry into a new world where the familiar taste of sa...
Jezzella is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 24, 2010
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