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Simple Ideas For Better Skin Care!
Interests: isn't it frustrating when those spots flare up again and no matter what you do they just do not go away! not even the expensive portions you used last year will work. well do not despair; it is simple advice that works. believe me you do not need madonna'
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The sun has been full on for the last few weeks unusually here in the UK. We are good at taking care of our skin by moisturising and applying sun cream but what about our eyes? The sun is one big factor responsible for skin ageing; affecting both sexes with... Continue reading
Definitely something to think about. Continue reading
Dear Readers, It does indeed feel great to be back! I would like to warmly welcome you back too. We at Skinassistant are very sorry about the lost time due to unavoidable circumstances. We are however now geared to resume this blog and bring you more FREE skincare advice .... Continue reading
SKIN AND AGE What does your skin say about your age? People can estimate your age by looking at your skin. Of course you can also cheat your age by taking great care of your skin and lingering a decade behind your real age number.But first you must understand what... Continue reading
Happy New Year! So; Another New Year resolution? No; I will not bore you with that. Instead I will take this opportunity to remind you about what we do at SkinAssistant. Our goals and principals To give free skincare advice to anyone aged 13yrs and above. To discuss the basics... Continue reading
So it is time to relax and enjoy yourself. Yes and so you should; however do not forget your skin which as you know covers all your body. We at SkinAssistant have put together some tips which you already know but have summarised just to make it easier to remember:... Continue reading
CRACKED HEELS Cracked heels is a common problem to both men and women. Feet are dry for prolonged periods and eventually crack ;some even developing infections. What causes cracked feet? Any condition causing dry skin such as eczema, and other immune problems can cause cracked heels. Being on your feet... Continue reading
This was the last article sent to all those subscribed to Skinassistant Newsletter. It was also featured on hence the badge on our website homepage. We thought it would only be fair to post this for all our fans too.It's Vitamin D; and so here we go! What is... Continue reading
Seborrhoic dermatitis We are moving to the last articles about eczema Today we will look at seborrhoic dermatitis which not many people will consider to be a type of eczema. This is a condition common in people with oily skin and in babies. It appears as very itchy scaly red... Continue reading
MANAGING SKIN INFECTION 1-Prevent skin infection in the first place by: Moisturising to prevent skin breaks or sores. Managing the itching well so you avoid scratching the skin-see last article on itching. 2-Once skin infection has set in this should be managed by continuing of the above and of course... Continue reading
All eczema sufferers know what a nightmare itching can be. Apart from the effects on the skin it can lead to poor sleep and depression. The treatment of eczema itching goes hand in hand with managing the eczema skin rash. Here are the usual steps taken to manage eczema skin... Continue reading
Management Eczema Managing eczema involves several areas because there are several factors that affect or can cause eczema to flare up. Below are common ways to approach treatment of eczema: 1-Manage symptoms a)-Dry skin-Moisturise. This is the most important and emphasized aspect of eczema care. Dry skin is usually the... Continue reading
 This article is continued from last week. So here you have more factors and situations that can trigger Atopic eczema: -Bodycare products-such as soaps, cosmetics. Some chemicals have been identified as common skin allergens contained in skin creams, body washes and shampoos etc examples are lanolin, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate.... Continue reading
Top causes Atopic eczema It is not always known what sets off eczema it appears to be a combination of several factors rather than a single one. The following factors have been associated with atopic eczema flare ups: 1-Atopic Eczema is inherited; genes therefore are thought to play a big... Continue reading
How do you get that Hollywood FACE GLOW?? Skin beauty expert Kate Somerville talks about the CELEBRITY SKIN CARE SECRETS and the ''pyramid'' yes and note the other word she says '' Hyaluronic acid'' .Do pay attention to that model especially her cleansing technique and the areas she is exfoliating... Continue reading
ATOPIC ECZEMA This is the form most people associate with the description “eczema”. It is the inherited form and so other family members may be affected by eczema or asthma. It affects all ages and is the most common in children even babies from as early as 3 weeks of... Continue reading
What is Eczema? Most people know eczema as being a chronic condition of the skin associated with itching and change in skin appearance. Yes it is a persistent skin dermatitis (irritation and inflammation) characterised by dryness and itching. It is one of the most common skin conditions worldwide and affects... Continue reading
DRY SKIN What causes dry skin? We all know it when we have dry skin. It appears dry of course you say-correct. Other symptoms associated with dryness will help decide how to manage your skin: -Scaly Skin -Itchy Skin-when your skin is dry it becomes sensitive and so irritable hence... Continue reading
PARABENS Have you seen another advertisement for cosmetic products stating “No parabens” and wondered what this is all about? Well this is a very controversial topic at the moment. Throughout the years with increasing power of the media there has been waves of trends in peoples’ health obsessions whether a... Continue reading
Here are more conditions that may be associated with acne: 1-Males-Folliculitis or Pseudo-Folliculitis following shaving. When you go to the barbers for your hair cut avoid shaving your scalp too close to the skin. Close skin shaving leads to fine skin cuts and infection of the base of the hair... Continue reading
Management of Acne in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS) Thankfully not everyone with PCOS needs intervention. Some people do not get any symptoms or may be so mild such that no action is required. PCOS cannot be cured. The management is aimed at treating or controlling the symptoms.(Read the previous post for... Continue reading
Another good reason you should see your doctor regarding persistent or severe acne is that it may be caused by medical conditions. So it can help in its treatment but also discover other medical conditions you did not know you had.In this post we will look at a condition called... Continue reading
SKINCARE TIP;Use a face cloth or soft face towel to cleanse your face.Use it to rub your face gently after using your daily cleanser in the evening. This helps remove dirt and oil embedded deeper in your skin. If used daily this could replace the face scrub in people with... Continue reading
A number of people have emailed me about skin lightening.My advice is brighten your skin instead using products containing natural fruit acids such as glycolic acid, pyruvic acid.Others are lactic acid(from milk) and vitamin C containing products.They help remove the top most layer of the dead skin cells.Ideally use these... Continue reading
These are the treatments your doctor may prescribe;They are prescription medicines: Topical (applied to the skin) antibiotics; 1 Azeleic acid is similar in action to Benzoyl peroxide but is less harsh to the skin. It is used for mild to moderate acne. It also has some activity against bacteria and... Continue reading