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Where my dreams are
21,outgoing,bubbly and loud.Georgia is where my mind is,my family has my heart.Love,green,baking,football..To sum it up-Im pretty awesome!
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Jessica added a photo at Post the Love
This is my TSS.Even though we are not technically blood sisters or even live close to each other we are sisters. The 8 of them each share a piece of my heart and for that im eternally grateful. I love them to bits an pieces and wish everyone could have somone like these girls.
Feb 11, 2010
so very true, this is beautiful
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2010 on No title at Post the Love
Jessica added a favorite at Post the Love
Feb 11, 2010
Jessica added a photo at Post the Love
I truly love my best friend Janelle. Yes we have only known each other for a few months and an ocean separates us but I feel like I have known her my whole life. I enjoy her company everyday when we talk about our days or the loyalty she shows me; it’s important to have the friendship and affection of someone with whom we can share our joys and sorrows, and discuss our problems without fear or reservations. But, the best part of knowing someone like her is not to feel obliged to do something or say something just because, its watching or listening to the exact same things on opposite sides of the world, sharing the same interest that others do not, not feeling bored or wanting to be by yourself, having her there when no one else understand I need silence. Its crazy but I miss her when she’s far away or gone for a day, taking care of her life while I take care of mine. To be a friend is to be able to enjoy the best things the other person has to offer, to recognize their faults but to know they are bearable and, on the other hand, to be a friend is to offer our virtues with all the generosity in the world and to live without masks or farces to hide our faults, habits or differences. I’ve been thinking about writing this for a while now, to tell about the meaning of friendship, something that surrounds us in such a natural way that we don’t even bother much to understand what it truly means. Maybe I can’t really express that meaning, but it’s good to know that there’s someone supporting me, even if sometimes they don’t fully agree with what we are thinking or doing and they don’t hesitate to show their point of view. That’s what true friends are like, because they know that a different opinion will not change a deep feeling of mutual and sincere trust. That a soul mate is your best friend.
Feb 11, 2010
Jessica is now following Channing Tatum
Feb 11, 2010
Jessica is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 11, 2010