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Tipper cute picture. My Dad tried several times to dig up the ivy to bring home to Ohio.. The darn stuff would slap me in the face all the way home, as my baby brother had to lay in the seat and I sat on the edge over the plant...LoL. It is beautiful but Dad never got it to grow. My MawMaw finally would not let him dig anymore off the side of the hill at the homestead..
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Hi Tipper, Kill lettuce was a favorite of my Pap Paw. There were many other greens he hunted and ate..On his trips to the fields and the woods, he would point out what we were to cut and we younguns would get down and cut it for him.He carried circus peanuts in his pocket as a treat so we would not let him bend over as they might fall out and get wet. Heaven forbid..LOL SANDI.
Toggle Commented May 11, 2010 on Kill Lettuce at Blind Pig & The Acorn
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tipper, loved this post. The mountains of Va call to me. The hollar where my Grandma lived.. The spring and the creek,the old farm house and the wild wind poppies by the barn.. Am I home sick,yes you bet..
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Apr 30, 2010