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Thank you for the opportunity to win! Such fabulous collections! With three boys, I could sure make use of the Hey Kid collection :) I will probably end up buying them all, though!
Oh man. I didn't even think about that when I bought the design F sheets. I have A, D and F and haven't used an F yet... I would have the same issue for the title card, it would bother me I think but seeing it in your picture now makes me think it isn't so bad. I say keep it.
Toggle Commented Jan 27, 2012 on Help. A major decision to make. at steph's stuff
1 reply
Great giveaways! If Cherie Nymeyer hadn't referred me through facebook, I never would have known about the new blog! Looking good girls, keep up the good work :)
Jillcruz is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 3, 2010