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Sharing my passion for running, clean eating and overall health and fitness.
Interests: running, strength training, health and fitness, hiking, reading, photography
Recent Activity
I don't do it very often but I love mixed media projects! Visiting from #sitsblogging!
How was the half Tina? I so wanted to run this one but just couldn't fit it in.
1 reply
Hello friends. I've moved to a new location and would love to have you join me. I've moved to [Fitness, Health and Happiness] at Please change your bookmarks to New RSS feed: feed:// Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2012 at [Fitness, Health and Happiness]
An ah ha moment because it just made so much sense. A new post at [Fitness, Health and Happiness]. Staying Connected More on moving to a new blog. If you're following [Fitness, Health and Happiness] via RSS feed please click... Continue reading
Posted Dec 12, 2011 at [Fitness, Health and Happiness]
Hello friends. I've moved to a new location and I'd love to have you join me. Please change your bookmarks to I'm still working on the RSS and Feedburner feeds for my new blog so in case you came... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2011 at [Fitness, Health and Happiness]
No worries Margie. Thank you for taking the time to stop by. My word for 2012 finally picked me. See you in Jan :) Jill Conyers My Blog: I believe no decision should be made while running up hill. ~Nike
1 reply
Hello friends. I've moved to a new location and I'd love to have you join me. Please change your bookmarks to Are you here for Fitness Friday? Follow this link to link up Continue reading
Posted Dec 9, 2011 at [Fitness, Health and Happiness]
One of our Christmas traditions is a casual themed dinner on Christmas Eve. 2 weeks ago I had my heart set on doing something a little different, eating out on Christmas Eve. Fast forward 1 week and I've changed my... Continue reading
Posted Dec 7, 2011 at [Fitness, Health and Happiness]
Thanks Kat! Jill Conyers My Blog: I believe no decision should be made while running up hill. ~Nike
1 reply
Hi Suzie! I think it was your blog that gave me the idea :) Jill Conyers My Blog: I believe no decision should be made while running up hill. ~Nike
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Hi Jamie. Good luck with your 5K! My only real life race left this year is a Jingle Bell run. Can't wait! Jill Conyers My Blog: I believe no decision should be made while running up hill. ~Nike
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Thanks Erin! Jill Conyers My Blog: I believe no decision should be made while running up hill. ~Nike
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Hi Diana. I just sent you an email. Jill Conyers My Blog: I believe no decision should be made while running up hill. ~Nike
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This post is actually my reminder. Over the weekend I realized I hadn't realized how many virtual events I signed up for. My husband is going to read this and either shake his head, roll his eyes or both! I... Continue reading
Posted Dec 5, 2011 at [Fitness, Health and Happiness]
Hi Amy. With the money I saved from not paying gym membership fees I have more than paid for what is in my workout room. And not having to use time to travel has been awesome. I had to give up my studio to have a workout room but it has been worth it! Jill Conyers My Blog: I believe no decision should be made while running up hill. ~Nike
1 reply
Thanks Amy :) Jill Conyers My Blog: I believe no decision should be made while running up hill. ~Nike
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Hi Jamie and thank you. Keep at it and you will. I remember when I was happy to run 5 miles (at any pace) without walking :) Jill Conyers My Blog: I believe no decision should be made while running up hill. ~Nike
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Thank you Toni! Have a great fitness week! Jill Conyers My Blog: I believe no decision should be made while running up hill. ~Nike
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I wish I had hope for warmer weather. I'd be happy if it would just stop raining. Cold I can do. Cold and wet not so much. Here's to a new and better week :) Jill Conyers My Blog: I believe no decision should be made while running up hill. ~Nike
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Hi Jessica. Happy to know I wasn't alone. Here's to a new and better week :) Jill Conyers My Blog: I believe no decision should be made while running up hill. ~Nike
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Thank you Rhonda! Jill Conyers My Blog: I believe no decision should be made while running up hill. ~Nike
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Hi Melanie, I just sent you an email. Jill Conyers My Blog: I believe no decision should be made while running up hill. ~Nike
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Hi Lee. I love the "action" feel and approach of your word for 2011. Great goals for Dec! Creative Escape is in our future. One day :) I've been thinking about my OLW for 2012. My 2011 word will be hard to top. I've committed to Project Life as my creative goal. Also a photography goal, 52 week photo project of Chad and I. For health and fitness, I want to run a half marathon a month, run another marathon, run my first ultra (beyond 26.2 miles) and complete 90 days of P90X2! I look at this and realize some days I feel like it's just too much. Other days my goals feel totally doable. Not positive about the logistics of so many races is doable. Still working on a plan :) Sorry for the rambling. Your post has my mind spinning with ideas. Have a great day!
Toggle Commented Dec 4, 2011 on 4 Simple Goals | December 2011 at Embrace Life
1 reply
Week 2 Review After kind of a crappy start to the week (with almost every workout being a conversation with myself about how much I didn't feel like working out) I ended the week with the best run I've had... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2011 at [Fitness, Health and Happiness]
Hi Laura. Nice to meet you. Fitness Friday is open to anyone to participate as often as you like. Just link up your health, fitness and nutrition related post on my blog every Friday and visit the other participants. It's a great way to meet new people, and a lot of great tips and motivation. Let me know if you have any questions. Jill Conyers My Blog: I believe no decision should be made while running up hill. ~Nike
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