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Jim Gordon
Westhill, Aberdeen.
I'm a Scottish Baptist minister, an enthusiastic theological educator, a writer and reader, an Aberdeen Football supporter, and seconder of Louis Armstrong's affirmation 'What a Wonderful World'!
Interests: I'm an incurably omnivorous reader. Historical theology, biblical exegesis. theology and the arts, and spirituality are areas of research; but novels, poetry, philosophy and intellectual biography have their fascination too. When opportunity arises I cook, this blog is a quite large tip of my writing iceberg, I design and work tapestry, play with elementary haiku and fibonacci, have begun to enjoy photography and have a small list of places I really need to visit before I die!
Recent Activity
Hello Vivian, The Donne quotation is not from a poem, but from Sermon II, on Isaiah 7.14 preached in 1624. Thank you for dropping past the Blog. There is a link to the Sermon:
John Donne's pun on the end of God
John Donne and Julian of Norwich couldn't be more different in temperament, spirituality, lifestyle and life circumstance. But every time I read this sentence from Donne, I hear clear echoes of Julian's confident assurance in the eternal constancy of God's love: “whom God loves, he loves to th...
Hello Anne, thank you for the encouragement, and I'm glad you find the posts helpful. Do you have a reference in The Crucified God which relates to your question. That would help to answer more precisely. More generally, Moltmann's Christology is more concerned to affirm the full humanity of Jesus - not so much that he stepped outside his divinity, as that he stepped fully and absolutely into our fallen humanity. Hence the paradox of the title,The Crucified God - both fully human and divine. Moltmann argues here and in other places for the reality of human suffering in the crucifixion being experienced by Jesus the Son of God and Son of Man. The cry of dereliction and God-forsakenness is likewise a recurring theological theme for Moltmann. In that cry Jesus enters into the fullness of human sin, judgement and death and does so as the Son of the Father. But at no stage are we to think that in doing so he stepped outside of his divine nature. I hope this helps.
Jurgen Moltmann, The Crucified God and the Testimony of a Great Theologian
I spent a while yesterday browsing through the many books of Jurgen Moltmann. The first one I ever read was The Crucified God, published by SCM, London, an early softcover edition in a format they called Study Edition. I read this astonishing book during Lent in the late 1970's as a young mini...
Thank you WS! Although we are on different sides of the Atlantic, the plight of those who are compelled to leave their homelands carries the same imperatives of compassion, thoughtful strategy, and a refusal to dehumanise vulnerable people. Thank you for your encouragement and appreciation - I've been writing here since 2007, and I'm always the better for hearing from folk like yourself1 Grace and peace from Scotland.
Intercession as a Process of Kenosis, and a Lesson in Unselfishness.
Last night we met for an hour in church to pray for and with our asylum-seeking friends, and to pray for a more just, compassionate and efficient system of responding to those who arrive on our shores, often traumatised, alone and in desperate need of a safe place to recover, and rebuild thei...
Hello Mark - thanks for your question, and I fully understand the dissonance with 17th C language and a 21st C reading. "Working breast" I take to mean both quickened heartbeat, and the raised emotions of someone anxious for acceptance and reassurance. There's quite a lot of that in Herbert, writing a t a time when devotional feelings and affections were much more explicitly stated. "I will move Thee..." is the stated intent of the supplicant to persuade, influence and move the emotions of God to accept the praise and enable the one who praises. Likewise 'enroll' is to seek commitment and support for the supplicant's goal and intention, that is, that God will enable and accept the praise and gratitude of the worshipper. There is always a sense of unworthiness in Herbert, and likewise a feeling of the inadequacy of his 'utmost art'. Hope that helps.
George Herbert Week (iii) Trust, the Fusion of Humility and Confidence
(George Herbert's Church, Bemerton) George Herbert's hymns are so old fashioned they are almost forgotten, not just out of favour but out of sync with current taste and preference. His poem King of Glory, King of Peace recalls a spiritual atmosphere and intensity of devotion requiring more o...
Hello Cindy, and thank you for your question. I'm a long time reader of Levertov's poems, and student of both her life and work. The post was written out of my knowledge of her and her poetry. However there are several important secondary works:
Donna Hollenberg, A Poet's Revolution. The Life of denise Levertov. University of California Press.2013
Dana Greene, Denise Levertov. A Poet's Life. University of Illinois Press, 2012
Michael Murphy and Melissa Bradshaw, This need to dance / this need to kneel. Denise Levertov and the Poetics of Faith. Pickwick (This one is available in Uk on Kindle at a reasonable price)
Hope this helps.
Denise Levertov, New and Selected Essays. New Directions.
Denise Levertov, The Stream and the Sapphire 1 The Avowal
The Avowal As swimmers dare to lie face to the sky and water bears them, as hawks rest upon air and air sustains them, so would I learn to attain freefall, and float into Creator Spirit’s deep embrace, knowing no effort earns that all-surrounding grace. This poem was written for two of ...
Thanks Donna. I often think these first verses are skipped over, at least in our heads. I've often thought it would dramatise the reading if we had the sound effects of gong and cymbal!
Thought for the Day –Love is the Christian’s ID Card
Thought for the Day –Love is the Christian’s ID Card “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move moun...
Hello John, and thank you for your question, and for taking time to read and write about the post. I think the transcendent depth Baillie addresses is in God, not in our approach. Both Bailie and Torrance are aware of the need for what calvin called 'accommodation', hence the use of anthropomorphism.While Torrance argued there is no God behind Jesus, he also took immense pains to write and explore the mystery of the Trinity, and the unfathomable depths of love revealed in the incarnate, crucified, risen and ascended Lord. As for the Church's liturgy and song, they too are not reducible to 'humanistic language'. Charles Wesley as one example wrote hymns that celebrated the transcendent mystery, indeed the ineffability of divine love. For myself, I do not see a dichotomy between the language of biblical terminology and the limits of language to capture or encapsulate the full reality of God.
Prayer for a Proper Reticence, and Doxology Leading to Contemplative Worship.
O God Beyond me, you dwell in unapproachable light. Teach me that even my highest thoughts of you are but a dim and distant shadow of your transcendent glory. Teach me that if you are in nature you are still greater than nature. Teach me that if you are in my heart, you are still greater tha...
Thanks Ken. One of the reasons the older Dictionary still has considerable value.
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters 2. The What, Why, How and from Where of Paul's Letter to the Philippians.
One of the most significant features of the new edition of Dictionary of Paul and His Letters is that, as in the 1993 edition, there is an extensive essay on each of Paul's letters. These deal with the usual introductory questions of author, recipients socio-historical context, date and place ...
Thank you Bob. That too is a powerful interpretation of the Good Friday Christ, and the contrast of triumphal entry and the walk of ignominy up Golgotha. I'll go looking for W R Rodgers. Easter greetings.
Good Friday with R. S. Thomas: "The fiercer light of the thorns' halo..."
Not much comment needed on this poem.1 Just three by way of context, and a comment on Jurgen Moltmann, the theologian whose work most closely mirrors some of Thomas's theological questions. 1. By juxtaposing the inspired, disciplined agony of the artist, with the creative suffering love of...
Thank you Olivia. Glad you happened by and found something good!
Lent with R. S. Thomas: "The books stood in rows, sentinels at the entrance to truth's castle."
Perhaps no other experience exposes more effectively the limitations and occasional pretensions of the relatively new academic discipline of practical theology, than the vocational routines of those called to pastoral care, priestly prayer, and the self-giving of daily life in the service of t...
Thanks Anna. Agreed on the prophetic edge of this poem; the prophetic combines the understanding of the past, clear perception of the present, and a hopeful imagination for the future. Re-enchantment with transcendence is both hope and perhaps essential if the world is to survive our human ravaging of it. R S Thomas is one of God's outriders, helping us see and understand the cost and consequences of secularisation's impatience with that which cannot be measured, commodified, exploited, and ultimately consumed. Wonder if the late RST ever read the early Walter Brueggemann?
R S Thomas: Science and Faith, and the Passing of the Big Preachers.
The Big Preachers Of atoms were ignorant and molecules; but thundered verbally from their high pulpits, training captains pacing their unstable bridges and warning always of the wreck of the soul. No scientist had their renown; the invisible was undiscovered. What was made plain by the lightning...
Thanks for this Bob. I found it fascinating, especially the relation of music to text, and at times the sense that the music was interpreting the scene, mood and circumstances in the story itself. So much to be gleaned, or mined, from such a short text. Thanks again Bob, and all good wishes for your continuing projects.
Jonah and the Whale 4. A Brilliant Sermon, Preached by God, to Closed Minds
Many of us first heard the story of Jonah in Sunday School. If you’re older you’ll know the chorus, “Listen to my tale, of Jonah and the whale, way down in the middle of the ocean.” The story of Jonah is so familiar. It’s about the compassion and undeserved grace of God. The very idea that God w...
Incidentally Dave, hope you are keeping well and life is enjoyable, restful, productive, interesting. Choose as appropriate!
The Goal of Good Learning and the Joy of Stair climbing.
Once a week I go to my happy (learning) place. I mean this University library. People who know me are aware I have admiration, affection and a long-standing regular attendance at this particular library. This edifice to education polarises opinion - love it or hate it, not many are neutral. H...
Opinions are pretty divided about the architecture Dave. I did most of the research for my first book in Queen Mother Library, especially the basement and stacks which were a treasure trove in which to be let loose. More space, huge upgrade in IT and digital technology required, transitions to new methods of knowledge transfer (e.g. ebooks as opposed to hard copy books, Journals) -not to mention the desire to project an ancient University with a contemporary face. It also has a diversity of study space, seminar rooms, IT and interactive facilities. My admiration for the new building is a mix of all these elements. In Edinburgh, New College was totally redesigned internally because the building could not be replaced - it too has a changed ethos and capacity.
The Goal of Good Learning and the Joy of Stair climbing.
Once a week I go to my happy (learning) place. I mean this University library. People who know me are aware I have admiration, affection and a long-standing regular attendance at this particular library. This edifice to education polarises opinion - love it or hate it, not many are neutral. H...
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