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Parkton, MD
Interests: hiking, reading, photography, blogging, politics, christian worldview studies
Recent Activity
Remembering The Golden Age of the American Airport
The Field Terminal at McCarran Airport, NV via Gorgeous examples of mid-century architecture. Continue reading
Reblogged Oct 14, 2014 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
Broken Bells at Iron City Birmingham
I was a bit dubious that an primarily electronic band would be good live. Boy was I proven wrong! Broken Bells had a tremendously clean performance with excellent flow between songs. The performance in a small venue like Iron City Birmingham was intimate, personal and sound filled. The band kept the audience fully engaged. With four members, the band had a full sound with drums and bass guitar providing a solid foundation and either synthesizers or electric guitar providing the melodic lead. James Mercer (formerly of The Shins) carries the performance with his flawless tenor, with Brian Burton (a.k.a. Danger... Continue reading
Posted Oct 7, 2014 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
Sarah's Mystery
A beautiful, yet mysterious, young lady. I love her immensely. Taken in the Lady Bird Johnson Grove at Redwoods National Park. Continue reading
Posted Oct 5, 2012 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
The Horses of Featherdown
It's been quite a while since I made any postings here…seems that my life has gotten a bit off track from the blueprint. It's astounding how quickly things can build up and steal away a person's focus (or desired focus). So, as they say, no better time than the present to get started again. We recently spent a couple of hours with some friends at Featherdown Farms, a local horse farm and riding school, during one of their competitions. Unfortunately, none of my photos of the actual competition turned out very well. I may need a new lens (wink, wink,... Continue reading
Posted Feb 19, 2012 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
First Snow in Maryland 2011
Here's a collection of videos from today's crazy snowy day in Maryland! Posted via email from Jonathan Hasson's Mind Stream Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2011 at California Dreamin' with the Hassons
First Snow in Maryland 2011
Here's a collection of videos from today's crazy snowy day in Maryland! Posted via email from Jonathan Hasson's Mind Stream Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
A Design Question...
Why is it uncomfortable to use a laptop in your lap? With the myriad designers of technology, don't you think they could design a laptop that didn't get so hot in some of the more sensitive areas of your body? Seems to me that the air vents located exactly where the machine sits on your legs is a dumb design decision. Many thousands of users would be grateful. I'm just saying. Continue reading
Posted Oct 1, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
Something Phenomenal Happened
If there were any doubts about the power of social media to turn an industry upside down, look at the recording industry. The story of the band Cults at the Austin City Limits Festival is included below. ACL is a powerful venue. Has been for years. I remember watching ACL on PBS back in the 70s and 80s, even today when I can catch it, and seeing great bands, singers and songwriters. Some were famous, some not so much. But a great venue nonetheless. Cults is a great indie group. They have a loyal following. But over half a million... Continue reading
Posted Sep 24, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
The Last of the Wild Horses
via Click the photo above to get to a really nice post about photographer Roberto Dutesco and his gallery exhibition The Last of the Wild Horses. Some haunting and beautiful black and white photography from one of the most inaccessible and remote places on earth. Continue reading
Reblogged Sep 10, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
9/11: The Day of the Attacks - 50 photographs from that day
We're going to be seeing a lot of the retrospectives over the next few days, but this one from The Atlantic magazine is very compelling and moving. Warning - some images are disturbing, but are an integral part of the full story. via Posted via email from Jonathan Hasson's Mind Stream Media_httpcdntheatlan_hqujb Greased Lightbox →←+-↻ Loading image Click anywhere to cancel Image unavailable Continue reading
Posted Sep 8, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
Flooding in Parkton, MD
We've had some terrible flooding in Maryland today. I've included a gallery of photos below from the area in Parkton where Little Falls passes underneath York Road. Most of the photos were taken from the parking lot of Elizabeth Jacobs Salon. Posted via email from Jonathan Hasson's Mind Stream Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
Some very good advice from Michael Hyatt. The Secret to Negotiating a Better Deal
This is post from Great site for management and leadership skills: Years ago, my boss suddenly resigned. I was pretty sure his boss would offer me his job, but it didn’t happen immediately. He told me he wanted to think it over and consider his options. Photo courtesy of © Frankly, I was disappointed. From my perspective, it was a no-brainer. I was the logical choice! I could have reacted in several ways: I could have pouted. I could have written a memo, detailing my qualifications. I could have launched a campaign, asking people I knew he respected to... Continue reading
Posted Aug 11, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
Remembering, and the art of culling
I love going back and browsing through older images. It’s both fun to remember the experience, and sobering to see how much we’ve changed in such a short period of time. It’s hard to imagine that our girls were so small just four years ago! Going through all these old photos got me thinking. The invention of digital photography has been a tremendous boon to the amateur and professional photographer alike. We can take hundreds, thousands of photographs without worrying about wasting money on developing a sorry roll of film. A downside, however, is the overwhelming number of photos that... Continue reading
Posted Jun 26, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
Father's Day at the Cylburn Arboretum
When Mardi asked me what I wanted to do for Father’s Day, my first response was “something that will inspire”. I really needed a respite from the normal daily grind, so an escape was in order. Mardi and I would have loved to have spent the day at a museum, but the girls would have been moaning after 20 minutes. So a day mixed with outdoor walking, indoor nature centers, inspiring gardens all finished with ice cream fit the bill! A quick search of local gardens helped us to settle on a visit to the Cylburn Arboretum, a Baltimore City... Continue reading
Posted Jun 24, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
Andrew, I agree! It would be great to get together and hang out sometime. Be sure to let me know if you're ever in the area.
I love my girls!
There’s something special about being a father of all girls. Yes, I have to deal with the mood swings, the “awe, she’s so cute” expressions about every, and I mean EVERY, small animal that crosses our path, the total lack of interest for anything sports, yard or car related and I would be rem...
I love my girls!
There’s something special about being a father of all girls. Yes, I have to deal with the mood swings, the “awe, she’s so cute” expressions about every, and I mean EVERY, small animal that crosses our path, the total lack of interest for anything sports, yard or car related and I would be remiss in not mentioning the absolute mysterious reflections about boys (“but I love him so much!” – ugh, shoot me now!). BUT, the joys of being a girl’s father are just amazing. My girls can be “daddy’s girls” all they want. They have stolen my heart and... Continue reading
Posted Jun 19, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
Are you this excited with your own successes?
This is the best speech ever, made immediately after his first bike ride. Enjoy! You can thank me later. Rock and roll! (HT: Ragamuffin Soul) Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
Storms over Seneca Lake, Finger Lakes, New York Life is full of storms. In fact, storms seem to hit us most frequently and most violently during the “Spring” times in life. Spring is full of life, fun, hope and expectations. Storms bring us back to reality. Not everything in life is full of fun and success. There is, however, always hope in storms. Storms never last forever even though, at times, they seem to never have end. It seems at the time that they only bring fear, floods, disaster and destruction. Storms, however, can also bring refreshment, cleansing and renewal.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
Mitch, thanks for the comment! I appreciate it!
I don't think the article means to say that introverted leaders are indecisive or slow to act. On the contrary, I think we introverted leaders spend the time necessary ahead of the crises to evaluate the needs of the situation. By the time there is a crisis, we are ready to take a decisive action.
Of course, there always is a need for a "type A" leader, and when you need them, they are great to have around too!
Thanks again for commenting.
Introverted employees make the best leaders.
By Toni Bowers March 8, 2011, 4:47 AM PST Takeaway: It is a misconception that all introverts are shy. The two are different — an important distinction to understand when you’re considering a leadership position. The term “introverted” is often used interchangeably with “shy.” This is misle...
Great Business Quote!
Clients can have it right, fast or cheap. But they can only pick two. By Mark Bryant via I wish all clients understood this. Posted via email from Jonathan Hasson's Mind Stream Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
Photographs That Inspire: No. 1
I love this photo by Daniel Egner, published on the Ronnie Bruce website. via It's amazing to me how one photograph can provide so much emotional energy. The desaturated colors, the linear phone lines, the lone tree and the seemingly endless horizon all imply the long journey we all are on, searching the vastness of our lives for something more, something meaningful. Our goals, our dreams, our visions all culminating just over the horizon. Love this photograph. Be sure to check out more over at the blog of Ronnie Bruce. Posted via email from Jonathan Hasson's Mind Stream Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
Art is what we call...
From the blog of Seth Godin: Art is what we call the thing an artist does. It's not the medium or the oil or the price or whether it hangs on a wall or you eat it. What matters, what makes it art, is that the person who made it overcame the resistance, ignored the voice of doubt and made something worth making. Something risky. Something human. Art is not in the eye of the beholder. It's in the soul of the artist. via Yep. Posted via email from Jonathan Hasson's Mind Stream Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
Art + Botany: Karl Blossfeldt | Garden Design
via The plant never lapses into mere arid functionalism; it fashions and shapes according to logic and suitability, and with its primeval force compels everything to attain the highest artistic form.—Karl Blossfeldt At first glance, what did you see? The view of the back of a sultry woman? Two "twin" towers? Iron scroll work? The photographs taken by Karl Blossfeldt are a fascinatign display of form, function and beauty in the most oraganic of items. Having the "eye" to see the beauty in such simple form is a great gift. I'm envious! Be sure to read the full article... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
A Narcissist and a Stalker walk into bar... - Did Someone Ruin Foursquare for Me Yesterday?
An excerpt from the article Did Someone Ruin Foursquare for Me Yesterday? In general, I like the Foursquare serendipity a lot. I don't check in at my houses because I don't want to broadcast where I am overnight, although I will check into a hotel when I'm traveling just in case someone is around. And I've got Foursquare wired to Facebook so things show up in my feed. I recently wired up Tripit as well (and to LinkedIn) and that has resulted in some positive serendipity lately. But yesterday's call spooked me. I didn't check in for the balance of... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
Rhinovirus be damned!
I hate colds. Caught it from one of the girls. Congestion. Raw throat. Can’t take a break from work. Ugh. Zicam ? Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2011 at A Blueprint in the Chaos
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