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Jennifer Moscone
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Wow--thank you ALL for taking the time to share your thoughts and insights! I always love hearing about what draws people to the Tarot...hence the question! :-) So, I put your names into my Family Guy hat and drew at random, and the winner of the set of Evil Eye beads is...Stephania Ebony! Congratulations, Stephania, and thank you so much for participating! I've decided that I'll be giving away all 14 beads, so you don't have to choose between the semi-transparent or the opaque. Hooray!!! I should be clear that I did not make these myself, though as it happens I did make lampwork glass beads for years. Just send me an e-mail to [email protected] with your mailing address, Stephania, and I'll send them out to you within the next couple of days. I really hope you enjoy them, and again, thank you all for chiming in! Your comments were all wonderful!
Toggle Commented Jun 4, 2012 on Giveaway: Evil Eye Beads! at Tarot Pals
Jennifer Moscone is now following Jason Colmer
May 24, 2012
How about a fun little giveaway, Tarot Pals Readers (and Tarot Pals Bloggers)? The Evil Eye is an ancient talisman; when worn, it is said to fend off negative energy, like jealousy and general ill will. Who doesn't need that? I'm giving away a set of seven--yes, SEVEN!--of these beads... Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2012 at Tarot Pals
Jennifer Moscone is now following Gary Ormond
Apr 21, 2012
Hooray! Wonderful, Gary! I'm so pleased that your cards today show such improvement, and I'm especially happy that so many people reached out to offer you blessings and love. I'm humbled to be part of the Tarot Pals crew with you. Your insights are tremendous and totally inspiring, and I find your meditations so soothing. I agree that your reading today offers a very strong indication that your trials lately are lessons that are leading you to further spiritual awakening. I'm sending healing energy to you, if that's okay!
Wow. You're just brilliant, Mr. Colmer. I'm blown away. As despondent as I am that you've been feeling so poorly lately, it clearly motivates you to do some incredible thinking and writing! EXCELLENT job, and you've inspired me to check this one out. I get a vague sense of art deco from the images I've seen, and I'm anxious to see firsthand how that impression goes along with your stellar review. Bravo!
I'm so very sorry. It's amazing that you were able to share today, and I'm so glad you did. I read your blog post about the Five of Cups--perhaps you'll be able to turn and see those two upstanding Cups full of promise soon. I sure hope so! The Fives are all difficult, but numerologically speaking, they're only midway through the complete cycle of 10, so there is much good stuff yet to transpire. If it helps, you've inspired me to try and move past my personal difficulties and find the good out there. Godspeed and blessings!
I'm so glad you were able to get past the rubbish-y feelings and share this great meditation with all of us, Gary. I understand that emotional malaise and am having a bout of that myself as of late. Evidently neither of us is alone. :-) I hope you're soon able to leave the Five of Pentacles feeling in particular far behind!
Thank you, Aartiana and Nutschell! The colors really are so beautiful, aren't they? I'm so happy you both enjoyed the post, and a little lavender in tea is a great idea--I learned something, too! :-)
Toggle Commented Apr 20, 2012 on A Little Lavender Lore at Tarot Pals
I’m a big fan of lore relating to herbs, stones, metals, and lots of other natural materials. This ties in fantastically well with Tarot study, as many of these materials make an appearance in various decks. Some decks, in fact, are almost entirely based on the lore of nature's many... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2012 at Tarot Pals
This is a fabulous idea! So well done! I can see this being incredibly helpful in terms of pinpointing and clarifying my feelings. I can't wait to try it, and I would be happy share my results here. Thank you, Jason!
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2012 on What A Difference A Card Makes at Tarot Pals
Oh, there's a definite (and very fun) connection that we have, that's for sure! I see it pop up every now and then and am always so tickled by it. GMTA, indeed! Hehehe!
Toggle Commented Feb 9, 2012 on Eight of Cups: A Lesson in Moving On at Tarot Pals
Thank you so much, Janet! This card is a good motivator for me (a la BIT Method), so I figured I'd share a bit about how it has the power to propel! :)
Toggle Commented Feb 9, 2012 on Eight of Cups: A Lesson in Moving On at Tarot Pals
Like many people (or so I like to think), I have a hard time knowing when to cut my losses. That might even be a bit of an understatement. I recently did a reading for a client wherein the subject of moving on came up, and not surprisingly, the Eight... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2012 at Tarot Pals
Thank you so much for this post, Michael! I've been considering the Wildwood Tarot for a while, and your interview has given me a really wonderful opportunity to see it in action. Looks like it's going to the top of my list!
Toggle Commented Jan 18, 2012 on Interviewing the Wildwood Tarot at Tarot Pals
Just a quick announcement! I'm giving away two Radiant Rider-Waite Tarot decks over on my Interactive Tarot Facebook page. All you have to do is "Like" the January 17th post with the giveaway announcement. Easy as pie! I'll draw two names at random (two winners are better than one!) on... Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2012 at Tarot Pals
A slightly belated Happy New Year to all! I'm so happy to be part of Tarot Pals--what a great way to start 2012! I, like so many others, step into the new calendar year from a place of assessment. We tend to ask ourselves those old questions from which we... Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2012 at Tarot Pals
I love this post, Wilma! What a great message as we break in 2012! I can always use a reminder that I have a lot more personal power than I think. :)
I LOVE this new category, Janet! Sometimes I have the attention span of a gnat, but I still need mental floss. This is a perfect compromise. Will look forward to more!
Toggle Commented Apr 3, 2011 on Book Gems #1 - Psychic Tarot at This Boyer Life
Jennifer Moscone is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 3, 2011