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James Weaver
In a complex vector space
Quantum Developer Advocate, author, speaker
Interests: Quantum computing, Java/JavaFX, music composition
Recent Activity
Thanks for your kind words, Mark. I hope to meet up with you at a conference in the near future.
Timely Words from a Wise Yogi
The brilliant baseball player and manager, Yogi Berra, known for his pithy and paradoxical quotes once said: "When you come to a fork in the road, take it" Last week I came to a fork in the road as a result of being suddenly and involuntarily separated from Oracle. The outpouring of kind wo...
James Weaver is now following Kymberlie
Feb 7, 2013
Thanks Lucas, Raj and Sharat for your support and votes of confidence!
Jim Weaver
JavaFX Experts Jim Weaver and Stephen Chin Joining Oracle
Readers of this blog know that I have a passion for helping rich-client Java and JavaFX become preferred technologies for new application development. You may also know that Stephen Chin has been instrumental fanatical in moving JavaFX forward, including its use with alternative languages suc...
You're welcome, Bob! -Jim
Laying Out a User Interface with JavaFX 2
One of the advantages of developing applications with Java/JavaFX is its cross-platform capabilities. One characteristic of cross-platform applications is their ability to position and resize the elements in the UI appropriately regardless of execution platform and app dimensions. Here's an...
Pitiporn Kawmoon,
As far as I know, JavaFX 2.0 doesn't currently run on TV (like JavaFX 1.3.1 did in the EarthCubeFX on JavaFX-TV post:
Jim Weaver
EarthCubeFX on JavaFX 2.0 from OSCON/Java 2011 Keynote (w/code download)
During the JavaFX keynote at OSCON/Java a few days ago I demonstrated the the EarthCubeFX application ported to JavaFX 2.0. In the session I promised to make the code available on my blog, so here is a link from which you can download the EarthCubeX project (for NetBeans IDE). Some helpful tip...
Jean Paul,
Do the 3D samples in Ensemble work for you?
EarthCubeFX on JavaFX 2.0 from OSCON/Java 2011 Keynote (w/code download)
During the JavaFX keynote at OSCON/Java a few days ago I demonstrated the the EarthCubeFX application ported to JavaFX 2.0. In the session I promised to make the code available on my blog, so here is a link from which you can download the EarthCubeX project (for NetBeans IDE). Some helpful tip...
Jean Paul,
Can you please send me the Java console?
Jim Weaver
EarthCubeFX on JavaFX 2.0 from OSCON/Java 2011 Keynote (w/code download)
During the JavaFX keynote at OSCON/Java a few days ago I demonstrated the the EarthCubeFX application ported to JavaFX 2.0. In the session I promised to make the code available on my blog, so here is a link from which you can download the EarthCubeX project (for NetBeans IDE). Some helpful tip...
Ah, good point, Jonathan.
Jim Weaver
A JavaFX 1.3 Custom Layout Example
With the new, improved, custom layout capabilities in JavaFX 1.3, I thought it'd be useful to post a simple example. This example defines a custom layout in JavaFX whose behavior is like the BorderLayout, familiar to most Java programmers. Here's a screen shot: There are actually two ways t...
If I understand your question, correctly, would you have subclassed Node to hold the directional value for the node? I chose to use the id variable to avoid that, because it was readily available.
Jim Weaver
A JavaFX 1.3 Custom Layout Example
With the new, improved, custom layout capabilities in JavaFX 1.3, I thought it'd be useful to post a simple example. This example defines a custom layout in JavaFX whose behavior is like the BorderLayout, familiar to most Java programmers. Here's a screen shot: There are actually two ways t...
In the "real" world, my app would connect to a data source across HTTP to a central server. I cannot offer such a server though for the challenge;so can I instead have the app connect to a Data Storage device in the JavaFX Storage space?
Yes, that is fine.
Jim Weaver
Announcing the JavaFXpert RIA Exemplar Challenge
Note: the deadline for the JavaFXpert RIA Exemplar Challenge has been extended to 30 days after the JavaFX 1.3 SDK has been released. See this post for the rationale. I posed the question "Should There be Enterprise RIA Style Guidelines?" in late 2008, and received some valuable feedback/discus...
Yes, you can use JavaFX Composer for the RIA Exemplar Challenge. Have fun with the Challenge and I look forward to your entry!
The JavaFX SCENE3D conditional features aren't deployed currently, but they can be run from the SDK. I'm not ready to post the source code for the CalenderCuboidFX app yet, but will be posting source code for an EarthCubeFX app that you can try out. It will be in the context of an article I'm writing on
Jim Weaver
Your Calendar PWN3D: Leveraging the JavaFX SCENE3D ConditionalFeature
"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once." - Albert Einstein Although it is good that everything doesn't happen at once, it is also good, when planning the future, to be able to see everything at once. One of the current trends in user interfaces is the movement ...
"Another question: Is it necessary to write the complete RIA in JavaFX? Because I don't like the standard Pull-Parser, and the Arkles API currently is broken in JavaFX 1.3."
It is absolutely fine, and encouraged, to leverage Java from JavaFX in the RIA Exemplar Challenge entries. Is that what you are asking?
Jim Weaver
Announcing the JavaFXpert RIA Exemplar Challenge
Note: the deadline for the JavaFXpert RIA Exemplar Challenge has been extended to 30 days after the JavaFX 1.3 SDK has been released. See this post for the rationale. I posed the question "Should There be Enterprise RIA Style Guidelines?" in late 2008, and received some valuable feedback/discus... come Amazon is selling a book you've allegedly written called "Pro JavaFX 2 Platform"
Apress plans to publish a book with that title when the time comes, but work on it hasn't begun.
Jim Weaver
RIA Exemplar Challenge deadline extended to JavaFX SDK 1.3 release + 30 days
The JavaFXpert RIA Exemplar Challenge deadline will be extended to 30 days after the JavaFX 1.3 SDK is officially released. I'm making the deadline dependent upon the JavaFX SDK 1.3 release, because based upon presentations at Devoxx and the Silicon Valley Java Users Group, the upcoming 1.3 r...
James Weaver is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
finding iPhrosty the 3D augmented-reality snowman on the iPhone
Now that the Layar Augmented Reality Browser has been released on the iPhone, I'd appreciate your help in finding Frosty the augmented-reality snowman (or would that be iPhrosty)? Simply do the five-minute augmented-reality scavenger hunt with your iPhone, take a screen shot of Frosty from the Layar AR browser, and send it to jim [at] The first three people that send me a screen shot of Frosty the AR Snowman from the Layar app in their iPhone will be rewarded with one token for any e-book that Apress (the publisher of my Pro JavaFX book) offers. Regards, Jim Weaver Continue reading
Posted Mar 10, 2010 at augmx
"Good example of a JavaFX table that doesn't use Swing. Do you have updated TableNode.fx code that will compile successfully with JavaFX 1.2?"
I haven't updated it for 1.2, but have you seen the table control in JFXtras ( The SpeedReaderFX app uses it if you'd like to try it out:
Jim Weaver
TableNode: Creating a Custom Scrollable Table in JavaFX
In July 2008 I started the JFX Custom Nodes category that contains a growing series of posts in which a graphics designer (Mark Dingman of Malden Labs) and I are collaborating on an imaginary Sound Beans application. The objectives of building this application are to demonstrate how to creat...
and the winner of the five-minute augmented reality scavenger hunt is...
Congratulations to Dave Pease of Liverpool, UK, who was the first one to successfully complete the five-minute augmented reality scavenger hunt! Dave walked to the other side of the augmented reality 3D snowman, and identified that the symbol on his back is a Christmas tree! Dave sent a screen shot from the Layar Mobile Browser running on his Android as proof: Quoting Dave: "Here's the evidence. I would have got closer, but it would have involved trespassing and possibly receiving numerous dog bites!" I don't blame you, Dave. I hear that blokes in Liverpool don't take well to people walking... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2010 at augmx
five-minute augmented-reality scavenger hunt
If you have an android mobile device and want to have some fun with augmented reality, go on my five-minute augmented-reality scavenger hunt. Here are the steps: Go outside, with at least a 100 feet area on all sides where you can walk freely and safely. I hear that the graphics outside are wonderful, by the way :-) From the android market on your mobile device, install the free "Layar Reality Browser 3.0" app. Run the Layar Reality Browser and search for "snowman". When the Snowman 3D icon appears, load the layer by tapping on the icon. Look for Frosty... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2010 at augmx
isn't that spatial?
As Bruce Sterling said in the video contained in the previous post, spatial computing is a term that some are using for augmented reality. Note: Bruce thinks that we should all standardize on the term augmented reality for consistency. How cyberpunk-like is conformity, Bruce? :-) Your AR homework today is to watch the Spatial Computing Part II: Shopping video that Albert Hwang created to prototype an augmented reality shopping experience. It is part of a series on spatial computing, and at the beginning of the video he supplies a link to the first video in the series. By the way,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2010 at augmx
author/cyberpunk Bruce Sterling on augmented reality (video)
Science fiction author and cyberpunk movement instigator Bruce Sterling has been interested in augmented reality since the term was coined many years ago. He is regarded as a luminary in this field. In his video presentation entitled "At the Dawn of the Augmented Reality Industry", Bruce discusses the history of AR and why it is currently "at the peak of his interest". He also gives some "real" advice for those brave enough to enter this field. :-) Enjoy, Jim Weaver Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2010 at augmx
considerations when creating 3D models for Layar augmented reality layers
In the previous post, I gave an overview of creating a 3D layer for the Layar Mobile Augmented Reality Browser. We used a 3D snowman character created for this purpose by Kelvin Hutchins. Kelvin has provided some insight on special considerations when developing a 3D model for a Layar layer. Check out the blog post in which he describes the process of building the 3D snowman. Regards, Jim Weaver Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2010 at augmx
finding frosty in the desert: Overview of Layar augmented reality development
As promised in the inaugural post of this blog, we're going to be up to our elbows implementing a Layar layer on the Android. That time has arrived, and in this post I'm going to give you an overview of developing a 3D augmented reality layer. This layer will be visible in the Layar Mobile Augmented Reality Browser, which currently runs on the Google Android, and will soon run on the iPhone. The screen shot above shows an augmented reality layer that contains a 3D model of a snowman. In reality, I positioned the snowman in the middle of our... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2010 at augmx
"I have a question. Is the challenge must created from javafx 1.3?"
The challenge should be created with whatever the current version of JavaFX is at the time of the deadline. I hope that 1.3 will be released by then, but if not, use JavaFX SDK 1.2.
Jim Weaver
RIA Exemplar Challenge Extension
The JavaFXpert RIA Exemplar Challenge deadline will be extended to 30 days after the JavaFX SDK 1.3 is officially released. I'm extending the deadline for a couple of reasons: Based upon JavaFX presentations at Devoxx and the Silicon Valley Java Users Group, the upcoming JavaFX 1.3 release wil...
augmented reality explored
I've been interested in the idea of augmented reality for quite some time, and I think that enough of the related technologies are becoming commonly available to make augmented reality, well, a reality. In this blog we're going to explore together some technologies and applications surrounding augmented reality, and being a developer, we will often get our hands dirty in code. In this inaugural post, I'd like to highlight the work of Pranav Mistry, a PhD student in the Fluid Interfaces Group at MIT's Media Lab. In his talk at TEDIndia, Pranav Mistry demos several tools that help the physical... Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2010 at augmx
"Does this not limit the entry base as I am quite sure there are some graphic designers who are capable programmers and vice versa?"
I've lifted the "team of two" restriction. An individual developer can enter the contest, and win the 2000 USD. Also, the deadline has been extended to 30 days after JavaFX SDK 1.3 is released. Please see the following post for details:
Thanks for your input on this,
Jim Weaver
Announcing the JavaFXpert RIA Exemplar Challenge
Note: the deadline for the JavaFXpert RIA Exemplar Challenge has been extended to 30 days after the JavaFX 1.3 SDK has been released. See this post for the rationale. I posed the question "Should There be Enterprise RIA Style Guidelines?" in late 2008, and received some valuable feedback/discus...
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