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Exploring the art world one day at a time.
Interests: Art, Quilting, Art Quilting, Mixed Media, Journals, Painting, Wool, Embroidery, Photography, Travel, Reading, My Boys.
Recent Activity
Holy ground here. This must be a handmade robe b/c you don't find things so nice in the stores. Looking forward to the changes to come.
Old linen
Linen dishrags seem to last forever. Contemporary Boro 2 has begun, so in the good company of the Ragmates, I will be mending some old linen that has finally given way. The holes are nice, but there is a breeze blowing through my robe. In all the wrong places. I will be checking in he...
Wow - that is amazing! And not surprising at all. You have mad a LOT of great quilts - I plan to be there with Sally - we are making it an annual event. Hope to see you there this summer as well - we will be there too.
Tooting My Horn
Someone's got to do it! I've got big news today. First of all, two of my quilts were chosen for the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative's May Online Auction. My #10,000 quilt, Shhh.... I also have #9500, Fine Feathered Friend, in the auction. Please spread the word about this fantastic fundraiser...
Janet is now following Herm
Apr 30, 2012
Janet is now following Margaret Oomen
Jun 30, 2011
... and atmosphere can create a frame - and even a mood. I feel mystery and magic all tangled up here.
a thought about framing
a frame can create atmosphere...
I love that idea! I was thinking of getting some bamboo sticks. Just need someone who likes to shave sticks!
every year the Man grabs some fallen limbs and carefully shaves the bark from them. because he likes to do that. sometimes they become walking sticks. they also make great hangers. and they are handy because i like to hang things up and look at them . i have especially grown fond of hanging m...
Makes me feel like sailing away into a silken moonset.
new light
this one has been resting. almost all recycled silk. resting on a worn cotton woven with air. an exercise in thinness. ready to continue. absorbing new light. again layered thinness is on my mind. and silk. and light. now that my taxes are done....i will celebrate this warming weekend with sil...
We are looking for a small loom - want to try a little time travel ourselves!
back to the future
...over the last few days i have watched this one icicle grow larger through the freeze and the melt that has marked the time passing. this one seems to be going somewhere while all the others can't decide. i wonder what makes the difference? it snowed last night and now it will rain for a f...
Janet is now following grace Forrest
Jan 14, 2011
Janet is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 22, 2010
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