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Thanks Cindy, very interesting debates around there (with Wayne too)
Regarding the ability of users to get their own data sources source, you note : "the issue is how they either bring it into the app or if they export and analyze in Excel"
This is perfectly correct, but my feeling is that QlikView/Expressor may provide
a very differentiating option if it makes it easier to do it in the app. This way, some users may not only mashup data for their own sake, but also prototype new applications for their lines of business or community. Based on those prototypes, IT can then take the leads to "productize" the protypes by retro-engineering the new data feeds and turn them into sanctioned, accurate, quality proofed data.
This is, in my opinion, a good way to balance the benefits of departmental and enterprise BI, and to channel "shadow IT" activity into collaboration between business and IT.
And this is an area where QlikView has already some strong arguments argainst some of their competitors because it has only one data access layer, not one for personal BI, one for "entreprise" self-service, etc.
QlikTech Acquires Expressor, Aims to Improve Data Load Process
Yesterday QlikTech announced it has completed the acquisition of privately-held integration vendor Expressor. Financial details of the deal were not disclosed. Is this move a shift in QlikTech’s focus to enterprise ETL? I don’t think so, and in meeting with Donald Farmer, VP of Product Manageme...
I was starving for your food for thought, Cindy. Great taste !
It seem that self service BI is reaching a tipping point. It this still good enough anymore to let power user access predefined data marts? If it is not, then QlikTech may have touched a sweet spot with this acquisition (some other are going in this directions, e.g. SAP with SAP Hana Information Composer ). In such scenarios, some power users want to build new models out of schema-neutral/schemaless sources, reuse sanctioned data in new context, compose data mash-ups... As you mention, this is a different discipline that EIM, which is still needed for the upstream heavy lifting of data and to deliver and secure access to enterprise "sanctionned" data, now for a wider scope that only traditional BI by the way (eg MDM).
Another great point you touch is the challenge of knowing when to leave data on disk or in a data warehouse versus loading into in-memory. This is another hot spot in Information management nowadays. Should we stream or rather sync data ? Should we opt for physical or logical Data marts and data warehouse ? Should we keep all data in memory or only "hot" one ? And how to make all those choice transparent to the one who consumes them. This is indeed a challenge for QlikTech, but also for our industry as a whole.
QlikTech Acquires Expressor, Aims to Improve Data Load Process
Yesterday QlikTech announced it has completed the acquisition of privately-held integration vendor Expressor. Financial details of the deal were not disclosed. Is this move a shift in QlikTech’s focus to enterprise ETL? I don’t think so, and in meeting with Donald Farmer, VP of Product Manageme...
Great analysis, Cindy.
I fully agree with your point of view. In memory back-ends are in fact closely linked with data discovery and agile BI front ends, and I feel that both Oracle and SAP could struggle to sell their "Big Machines" without having first delivered benefits to business users, eventually on smaller scales.And they need to enhance their front end data discovery capabilities.
One more point : you mention that SQL support is a differentiator both for Oracle and SAP. This may be true but I'm unsure that both have an open strategy directed to third party front end. If it confirms to be the case, then the benefit of using a standard in the middle if weakened
Oracle Announces Exalytics for In-Memory, Visual BI
At Oracle Open World this week, Oracle announced Exalytics, a new appliance that further boosts this vendor’s BI capabilities. The product is currently in beta and is expected to be generally available by the end of the year. Exalytics is a combination hardware, software solution that brings in-...
Jmichel_franco is now following Cindi Howson
Jun 2, 2011
This is a very balanced and brilliant article with a much wider coverage than the title suggests
A topic that I would add in favor of native apps is the push mode. I think of one the key benefits of Mobile BI is to propagate alerts (although I'm unsure that the tools in general have done a good job in this area at that time).
To manage that properly you need at least a little bit of code running continuously on the mobile
Managing the Mayhem of Mobile BI & QlikTech's New Approach
In-memory and dashboard vendor QlikTech did an about face on its mobile BI strategy last month: one of the first BI vendors to natively support iPad and Android devices, QlikTech is now taking a device- agnostic approach, relying instead on the browser. QlikTech isn’t the only vendor avoiding na...
Jmichel_franco is now following The Typepad Team
May 14, 2011
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