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Hi Simon,
This is interesting, as is the previous comment about the legal aspects. On the legal aspects, I'll leave those more qualified in international investment to answer. We know that there will be constraints on how much Madagascar can change post-deal, but are there interntional law constraints on the kind of deal that can be struck?
Another commentator says, 'try to think a bit' (I take comfort from the fact I was merely quoting the FT!). I wonder whether this is less about thinking than it is about knowing; knowing how things have worked out in practice in relation to comparably ambitious deals of this sort. The energy sector might be a good place to look for example, where I think we've often seen a cycle of foreign investment and local resentment. If people have concrete examples to post, I for one would be interested to know more about them.
All best,
Daewoo in Madagascar
There’s a fascinating article in the FT today about Daewoo’s plans to acquire half the arable land in Madagascar: Daewoo to pay nothing for vast land acquisition By Song Jung-a and Christian Oliver in Seoul and Tom,Burgis in Johannesburg Published: November 20 2008 02:00 | Last updated: Novembe...
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