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Jo Arnold
Seeking to be a disciple
Recent Activity
I give And in that gift I am pulled in myriad direction And thus misshapen Bent Far from the mould Eclipsed by doubts By fear By guilt Here I lie This emotion cannot form into words It lies deep Buried, yet tangible In my pit It seeps out insidiously Burning... Continue reading
Posted May 26, 2012 at Jo Arnold's blog
In the quiet and the solitude, Is Your majesty. Your people have met and dispersed but Your glory does not fade; You do not sleep. Trees rise tall and majestic then fade and die: Your beauty is present in it all. The setting sun burns with fierce blaze But is... Continue reading
Posted May 14, 2012 at Jo Arnold's blog
In a world that is broken and shaded grey, I choose... Light In a world of unceratainty where everything lies on shifting sand, I choose... the Rock In a world where feelings are all, and there are no absolutes, I choose... Truth In a world where God-given freedom leads to... Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2012 at Jo Arnold's blog
Jo Arnold is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 27, 2011