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Jodi Mitchell
East Bakersfield
I'm a Christian stay at home wife and mommy. I'm a keeper, helper, lover, encourager, listener, student and dreamer...
Interests: Vintage, Antiques, Jane Austen, Gardens, Coffee, Tea, Childbirth, books!
Recent Activity
Jodi Mitchell is now following lauren mumford
Nov 4, 2012
Jodi Mitchell is now following Free As a Bird
Nov 2, 2012
Love Makes Me Big
The setting is a small cafe. I sit at a round table covered with my books, paper and tea. I am alone but I have my thoughts for company. All is quiet. All is still. I sit there in silence frantically writing down all that is within. The world is... Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2010 at Jodi Mitchell
And Now I Write
And now I write... about all that holds me in. Is it good to be held in? Should I expect to be held in? It feels good for a moment, yet the feeling passes. I struggle with the comfort and safeness of being held in. Perhaps to be held in... Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2010 at Jodi Mitchell
Jodi Mitchell is now following CMcB
Sep 14, 2010
I know! It really has been too long!
Are you doing Taming of the Shrew? :)
Why do I write?
I write mainly for myself. I write to get lost feelings out on the page. I write to discover new things about myself and others. I write because it gives me peace within. I am writing in the And Now You Write Community to strengthen and push myself, to motivate my writing. If I was glaringly ...
Why do I write?
I write mainly for myself. I write to get lost feelings out on the page. I write to discover new things about myself and others. I write because it gives me peace within. I am writing in the And Now You Write Community to strengthen and push myself, to motivate... Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2010 at Jodi Mitchell
Jodi Mitchell is now following Julie Jordan Scott
Jul 30, 2010
Jodi Mitchell is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 30, 2010
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