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Jody Vogelaar
Recent Activity
Hi Jim - I stumbled on your blog as I owned the home at 4265 Denny Ave from 2005-2010. We knew it was in The Rockford Files, but didn't know which season or episode to look for! we do... and after doing an image search on the episode, I was further shocked to see that we painted the interior in 2005 to exactly the same color as shown in the episode!
Rockford Files Locations
Rockford Files Locations Written by Jim Suva In July 2011, Pat McKinney and I started to find the locations, that were used on The Rockford Files. Below are some of the locations we found, plus we will be adding more locations as we find them. Here is the original location of Jim Rockford's tr...
Jody Vogelaar is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 15, 2011
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