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Joe Carton
Recent Activity
Great job, Jim. We never had the opportunity to get Firebird models over here. Looks awesome and looks brand new - not 35 years old!
1976 Pontiac Firebird 400 1/24th Scale Model
1976 Pontiac Firebird 400 1/24th Scale Model By Jim Suva Back in 1976 I purchased this Pontiac Firebird Formula model. At that time I painted it orange with a black interior. I purchased this model at the time because for some reason no one ever made a Rockford Files Firebird. Fa...
Great to read all about the big day, Jim. Thanks for taking the time to do this. You deserve a nice drive in that car of yours!
Rockford Files Fest - 2011
Rockford Files Fest - 2011 Written by Jim Suva On July 13, 2011, the 1st Annual Rockford Files Fest was held. In April I began to make arrangements to meet Pat McKinney and Brett Papworth. Pat and Brett are friends who helped me with my research of the Rockford Firebirds. Since my family and I ...
Joe Carton is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 23, 2011
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