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Interests: Technology in education, Folk music, British and European cinema
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Here is a link to an audio interview I did with Katie Titler who was referred to in the AOL link above on her use of mobile phones in the classroom.
Hope you find it interesting.
Teaching by text..should mobile phones be allowed in the classroom?
Mobile phones don't usually get a good press when it comes to education. Many a teacher has bemoaned their existence, especially when they're used for texting, speaking or taking inappropriate pictures in class. And they've also been blamed for a rise in cheating in exams. But now some educati...
joedale is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Hi Mark,
I used Camtasia Studio for screencasting which is brilliant but quite expensive.
You can use Jing which is made by the same people who do Camtasia, Techsmith and it's free
As for formatting, I think you just need to make sure you change the width and height of your player so it fits the dimensions of your blog.
In Design, you could change the main blog post width to 400 pixels and then for embedding YouTube clips, the width needs to be 370 to allow the player to fit properly.
Normally the width and height is 425 and 344 which you change to 370 and 299.
Hope that helps
UPDATE: Imitating the IWB spotlight function in powerpoint - How to do it
Please leave a comment if you download and use files from this site. Feedback on how visitors might or do use anything here will help greatly in filtering what is of use and planning future updates As promised, here is the video explaining how to create an animation in powerpoint to mimic the IW...
Hi Mark,
Just checking, but I think the text has to be above the object so that when it goes underneath the text is revealed no?
UPDATE: Imitating the IWB spotlight function in powerpoint - How to do it
Please leave a comment if you download and use files from this site. Feedback on how visitors might or do use anything here will help greatly in filtering what is of use and planning future updates As promised, here is the video explaining how to create an animation in powerpoint to mimic the IW...
Hi Mark,
I was really impressed with this trick when I first read your post on Talkabout Primary MFL. Here is the post I wrote today about the technique with a few variations of my own. Hope you find them interesting:
UPDATE: Imitating the IWB spotlight function in powerpoint - How to do it
Please leave a comment if you download and use files from this site. Feedback on how visitors might or do use anything here will help greatly in filtering what is of use and planning future updates As promised, here is the video explaining how to create an animation in powerpoint to mimic the IW...
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