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Joe Eater
Durham, NC, USA
Mmmm... food... mmmm....
Recent Activity
Alan, I've spent most of my Chinese restaurant eating time avoiding Chinese buffets. They seemed to me to be the antithesis of what was supposed to be good about Chinese food. But something happened on the way out of the buffet: I started eating at them. And I think that's a bad thing, because every non-buffet Chinese restaurant in the area has gone downhill at the same time. I can't say for sure they're related, but I think they are. I load up on my favorites that I can find, take them home, and eat barely warm and dried-out food.
It's very frustrating to me to get Chinese food these days, because I don't even have a favorite Chinese restaurant any more. I don't really have a favorite buffet either. Some folks I know like to eat at Ichiban Hibachi Supreme Buffet in Avondale Plaza, but it's a chain of sorts, I think, with near-identical restaurants elsewhere.
For non-buffet, I go back and forth between Happy China near Rockwood, and Shanghai on West Hillsborough near the 147/15-501 interchange.
Good luck. If you have any suggestions yourself, please let us know. And I don't mean to sound like a snob here. It's just really disappointing lately, especially given how much other dining in the area has taken off and headed skyward. The one bright spot is Charlie Deal's Juju near 9th and Markham/Hillsborough. That's not a buffet, but it's certainly worth a visit or three. :)
Chinese Restaurant Torture
I've been told some people actually enjoyed reading my post about Grasshopper. If you didn't like that, what follows will probably just be Chinese restaurant torture. Read on if you like for an informal genealogy of some of Durham's Chinese restaurants, and consider this a companion piece to m...
chennirei: Thank you! I'd forgotten about Bleu Olive, probably because I'd never made it up there. There have been some decent restaurants in that space, so I hope Bleu Olive can measure up to some of its predecessors. And Melo's I didn't even know about. So 2 new places to try, and both in North Durham — in fact, both in the same mall! Neat.
North Durham Gets Aaron Benjamin's Gocciolina
It's been pretty hard hoeing for anyone trying to do nice food in Durham north of I-85. The last I remember was Patrick's in the old Ole NC Bar-B-Que spot at North Duke Mall, which died an unnatural death at the hands of its landlord. The farthest north I currently think of as decent food in D...
Ooh, Carpe Durham actually took a picture of the menu, among other things:
North Durham Gets Aaron Benjamin's Gocciolina
It's been pretty hard hoeing for anyone trying to do nice food in Durham north of I-85. The last I remember was Patrick's in the old Ole NC Bar-B-Que spot at North Duke Mall, which died an unnatural death at the hands of its landlord. The farthest north I currently think of as decent food in D...
Nichole: Good job. :) Let me know how it turns out.
The holes haven't been much of a problem for me, really. I just put a towel down before I work, then pick it up when I'm done.
My Newest, Hottest Kitchen Appliance
... isn't an appliance at all. It's a woodworking bench: I'd really gotten tired of trying to find the right sideboard/work table for the kitchen. So I gave up and bought the wrong one. was about $160. It's mostly oak, 60"x20", and...
Fritz! Yep -- 3 pizzerias within the loop when Pizzeria Toro gets back into operation. It is amazing how much pizza Durham can eat. It's amazing how much pizza *I* can eat. ;)
Pompieri Pizza Open
Pompieri Pizza is now open for business. They've been moved into the "Newly Open" section in the sidebar. Go check it out. Interesting tidbit: they make their own tonic for bar drinks. :)
Alan: exactly. I'm not saying it's Orval or anything, but if you're going to have cheap American lager [which, amazingly, I often do want :)], go for it.
De Gustibus Non Est Disputandum
When I was a kid, I had a problem with being easily sucked into magazine polls: the type article where you answer 17 questions, then find out that you'll turn into a serial killer, have tooth cancer, Socialist tendencies, a liking for cheap frozen pizza or maybe just cheap beer.... That tropis...
Coozledad! I'm glad people still read this stuff occasionally.
Believe it or not, I have most of that stuff, except for the lathe. Unfortunately, I just haven't come anywhere near doing any of it (time/laziness: I blame both).
I've also thought of pounding wine corks into the holes, but turns out they're a hair big.
My Newest, Hottest Kitchen Appliance
... isn't an appliance at all. It's a woodworking bench: I'd really gotten tired of trying to find the right sideboard/work table for the kitchen. So I gave up and bought the wrong one. was about $160. It's mostly oak, 60"x20", and...
Joe Eater is now following Joe
Jul 12, 2013
Steelman9920: Not yet. I'm happy with it though. Mostly I thought I'd just use cutting boards when I'm doing work. The holes haven't really been a problem, but I'm concerned about food falling through into the drawers.
By the way, be careful pushing the drawers in the first time. You have to push them in fairly hard to get the slides to attach. But if you push them in too hard or incorrectly, you'll mess up the rather insubstantial slides, and ball bearings will fall out of them. You can actually get the bearings back in there, but it's a pain.
My Newest, Hottest Kitchen Appliance
... isn't an appliance at all. It's a woodworking bench: I'd really gotten tired of trying to find the right sideboard/work table for the kitchen. So I gave up and bought the wrong one. was about $160. It's mostly oak, 60"x20", and...
Fritz! Glad to see you around. I'd ask where you've been, but I don't have any excuse myself. :)
My First Recipe
... aaand my first post of the year. I've also never shared a video before: its about the first thing I ever learned to cook, and something my girlfriend taught me how to do 53 years ago. I'll never forget it. It's particularly easy, and you probably have the stuff around to make it with, in ...
Peace to you too, Mark. Thanks for dropping by & offering your blessing opinion. :)
Salsa Assousa, or WWRE #3
When I started the "What We Really Eat" category, I intended it to chronicle things I really ate or thought people really ate, but was too ashamed to list as something I'd actually made. Now I notice I've screwed that category all up. Oh well. Anyway, I'm not much of a Mexican food person, a...
Apparently the menu PDFs linked to in the N&O story are incorrect in a few places, and were intended as mock-ups. While some stuff on those is correct, some isn't. Caveat diner. )-D
Mateo Bar De Tapas, or A Giant Bull Is Attacking The Southbank Building
If you get a chance to go to Mateo bar de tapas anytime soon, I suggest you do so. The good thing about a tapas bar is that you can eat as little or as much as you want. But at Mateo, you'll probably want to eat a lot. :) Mateo only has a placeholder web site up at the moment, but the N&O ...
Sucar! I'm so glad to see you.
I did kinda go off there. And then it looks like they're going to try to make gluten-free doughnuts anyway, so good for them.
I Want A Doughnut Biscuit With Bacon, Peanut Butter, And Banana, Please
Via our local Special Agent For Gluten-Intolerance Intolerance, code-named "Hor-Hay": "Rise, a biscuit and doughnut restaurant, on the horizon in Durham" [Edit] ... aaaand the first commenter at the article is complaining that because of her gluten intolerance, she can't eat there, and it's not ...
Someone I assume is Tom Ferguson, writing on Rise's Facebook page at "Attention vegans and glutinous free followers. We're still working on this donut and I'm not sure yet if it will be a go for tomorrow, if it's not and you're there without a donut I'll give the first ten people in that situation a Rise T-shirt and a rain check. Don't give up hope yet, we're still working on it." You go, Tom. :)
I Want A Doughnut Biscuit With Bacon, Peanut Butter, And Banana, Please
Via our local Special Agent For Gluten-Intolerance Intolerance, code-named "Hor-Hay": "Rise, a biscuit and doughnut restaurant, on the horizon in Durham" [Edit] ... aaaand the first commenter at the article is complaining that because of her gluten intolerance, she can't eat there, and it's not ...
So there's good news and bad news. Good: the folks at Rise are going to have a gluten-free, vegan doughnut. The bad news: they're going to be in the hinterlands of South Durham, near Southpoint:
I Want A Doughnut Biscuit With Bacon, Peanut Butter, And Banana, Please
Via our local Special Agent For Gluten-Intolerance Intolerance, code-named "Hor-Hay": "Rise, a biscuit and doughnut restaurant, on the horizon in Durham" [Edit] ... aaaand the first commenter at the article is complaining that because of her gluten intolerance, she can't eat there, and it's not ...
Keith: we've had some pretty extensive conversations about cheese and other stuff in the past; I think bees were center stage that night. But thanks for the ideas about, um, milk kräusening. :)
What Happened To Buttermilk, or How To Make Butter
Nice article from Slate about the evolution of buttermilk from a by-product of home churning to a fairly different commercial product: "All Churned Around: How buttermilk lost its butter" While the author picked up on several good points, she missed a couple. In particular: One doesn't churn m...
Divad -- not sure. Maybe a different US standard for the chocolate-y outside?
At Least There's Not Much Cholesterol
Josh -- Good to see you around. :) If it makes any difference to you, the lard is salted, and costs $6 for what looks like a quart Mason jar full.
Housemade Lard
Thank god someome still makes stuff: FWIW, the cookies they make with this stuff are DELISHUS. :)
D'oh! I'm too gullible. :) Thanks, Eric.
He Even Rounded The Penny Down
Asshole. Someome's trying to live off that. "Banker Leaves 1% Tip On $133 Lunch Bill In Defiance of 'The 99%'" at HuffPost Oops; fake. See comments. Thanks, Eric.
SLN: Thank you. :)
Fat Thursday On Tuesday
Had a whole plate of these this morning: (No, not the little girl, smart-@$$, so there.) Of course, we started a little late: the above pastries are supposed to be eaten on Fat Thursday by good Poles, but we're not Polish. Maybe we should have tried getting our pączki at, say, Halgo instead ...
Special correspondent "Agent K" wants it known that it was I, Joe, who scarfed the majority of the 6 pączki. Of course.
Fat Thursday On Tuesday
Had a whole plate of these this morning: (No, not the little girl, smart-@$$, so there.) Of course, we started a little late: the above pastries are supposed to be eaten on Fat Thursday by good Poles, but we're not Polish. Maybe we should have tried getting our pączki at, say, Halgo instead ...
Thanks for your indulgence yesterday while I was blacked out. Hope at least some of you got on the anti-SOPA and -PIPA bandwagons along with me.
Blacked Out
I'll be blacked out tomorrow.
coozledad: You know, if the Book Ex had kept up with all that stock & actually sold it, maybe they'd still be in business. And maybe they should have displayed the shotgun as local flavor. I can hardly imagine, say, the Regulator or the bookstore I used to work in displaying a shotgun, and I'm certain the big chains wouldn't. :)
By the way, thanks for the link to this post.
Do You Know The Way To San Mateo
Matthew Kelly, chef/owner at Vin Rouge, is going to be joining the large number of Durham restaurateurs who've opened places downtown. His Spanish restaurant, Mateo, will be going in the building formerly occupied by the Book Exchange [sniffle]. I was sad to see the Book Ex close, but I'm glad...
Eric: Yes, except for maybe this stuff, which is purportedly made of chicken. :)
Attention Math/Food Geeks
Attention math/food geeks (T.Rev, DurhamFood, and Paul, I'm looking at you, among others): Flavor network and the principles of food pairing What really sucked me in to this was the, er, map: A link to an even larger version is on the click-through page. The article is a bit intimidating in ...
I guess restaurants can't usually have cats, but did the Book Ex? I can't remember. When I Was in New Orleans, it seemed like every used bookstore I went in (mostly in the Vieux Carré, I guess?) had a cat. I thought it was odd, until I realized it was probably for rodent control.
Do You Know The Way To San Mateo
Matthew Kelly, chef/owner at Vin Rouge, is going to be joining the large number of Durham restaurateurs who've opened places downtown. His Spanish restaurant, Mateo, will be going in the building formerly occupied by the Book Exchange [sniffle]. I was sad to see the Book Ex close, but I'm glad...
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