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if you're going to *carve* I'm not so sure.. otherwise #dalkeyopen is a standing order invitation...! First Thursday #tweetup I know there are logistics.. but maybe there's some sort of work around.. ?
Meeting But Not Online
I COME FROM A generation of internet users who often prefer meeting in real life over meeting online. My expansive online profile renders me unclean in a lot of their minds. Their cautious perspective is also echoed by some of the mature students I teach, by people I nudge into new online commu...
JoeGarde is now following jcorbett
Dec 11, 2009
well said James - outstanding educators.
The Munster Institute of Technology
John Jennings, Mike Kiely, Liam Noonan and Bernie Goldbach. These are just four of the staff at Tipperary Institute who have been regulars at OpenCoffee Limerick since the networking event begun a few years ago. Not to mention the large number of Creative Multimedia students who have joined them...
JoeGarde is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 11, 2009
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