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Joe Lamp'l
Recent Activity
Hi Clare. Yes, I am so very busy this year, even more than ever with my new television series on public television stations across the country. We are traveling coast to coast. In fact, I'm typing this reply from 35,000 as we travel back home from a week of shooting 3 shows around Los Angeles. But I can tell you this; when I get home, I'm heading straight for the garden!
Thanks for checking in.
Dear Santa, My Hints for a Green Christmas
Dear Santa, As you know, I’m really into gardening, especially the ‘green’ kind, like environmentally friendly things such as not using a gas-powered engine for my lawn mower when a rechargeable or push model would do. I know you get what I’m talking about. You’re one of the original pioneers...
Joe Lamp'l is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
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