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Joe Giessler
Recent Activity
Dinosaurs Roar in Cincinnati – especially on iPads!
Did you know there was a dinosaur bigger, stronger – and probably meaner – than the legendary Tyrannosaurus Rex?! Neither did most archaelogists, until they recently discovered Giganotosaurus in South America. You can now see this massive dinosaur – alongside other dinos – at the Cincinnati Museum Center’s Ultimate Dinosaurs Exhibit. So how big is big?! Well, the Giganotosaurus is believed to have been the largest land predator to ever have lived! Okay – that’s really big. While similar to the famous T. Rex – the Giganotosaurus was about 42 feet longer than the T. Rex. Plus, while T. Rex... Continue reading
Posted Jul 5, 2013 at DiscoveringOhio
No Snow in the Forecast? No Problem for Ohio Ski Resorts!!
I love living in Ohio largely because of the wonderful seasons we experience every year – Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter – I love them all! If you know your geography, Ohio isn’t in the Article Circle, so we often have to give Mother Nature a little assist on the snow making! But don’t worry, even if there is green grass outside your house, chances are good there is plenty of white powder at Ohio’s awesome ski resorts! To celebrate the wonderful winter season ahead, we are giving away a weekend of fun on the slopes at Mad River Mountain... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2012 at DiscoveringOhio
Hey Kimberly, the pleasure was mine! I hope more and more people give birding a chance, they won't be disappointed. I think the birding community already recognizes you guys as the crown jewel, we just need to spread the word to the rest of the world. And if they see what I saw, it's a lock! Can't wait to come back!
Joining the Flock - Birding Adventure in NW Ohio!
I have lived in Ohio my entire life, but never fully realized the significance of northwest Ohio for birds of the western hemisphere. This week, I participated in my first birding event at Black Swamp Bird Observatory in Oak Harbor. For the next couple weeks, Ohio is in the midst of the peak mi...
Thanks Kristian! I really enjoyed my time up there. Thanks for mentioning the festival, I know a lot of the birders I spoke to said they were looking forward to going to it.
And yes...the pizza was delicious!
Joining the Flock - Birding Adventure in NW Ohio!
I have lived in Ohio my entire life, but never fully realized the significance of northwest Ohio for birds of the western hemisphere. This week, I participated in my first birding event at Black Swamp Bird Observatory in Oak Harbor. For the next couple weeks, Ohio is in the midst of the peak mi...
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Mar 3, 2011
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