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John C. Barile
33 &1/4 Barren Road, Wasteland (iz no joke), Lower Slobbovia
a lackluster nebbish who competes with potted plants for attention
Recent Activity
John C. Barile is now following An_Egyptian
Jan 7, 2014
John C. Barile is now following KrazyKafir
Oct 25, 2013
John C. Barile is now following Western Canadian
Aug 12, 2013
John C. Barile is now following EYESOPEN
Aug 12, 2013
John C. Barile is now following Lycium
Aug 12, 2013
John C. Barile is now following Cassandraclearwater
Jul 31, 2013
John C. Barile is now following Kinneddar
Jun 26, 2013
John C. Barile is now following mortimer
Jun 18, 2013
John C. Barile is now following rubiconcrest
Jun 18, 2013
John C. Barile is now following duh_swami
Mar 31, 2013
Bless you always, Pamela. Happy Pasch!
Toggle Commented Mar 31, 2013 on Many Easter Blessings .... at Atlas Shrugs
John C. Barile is now following Charlie Griffith
Jan 26, 2013
It's about time respectable people call-out Egypt's Islamizers for their tyranny and inhumanity--and time to stop sending the Ikwanist regime our best armaments.
Grovidkun Norquisling must go! Ditto Suhail Khan.
John C. Barile is now following ChristianForIsrael
Nov 26, 2012
O my Rabb! You are at your ironic best in sarcastic analysis and embrace of weary realpolitik. Let me add to that, Billions for defense, but NOT ONE CENT for jizya!
John C. Barile is now following margaritha
Nov 26, 2012
John C. Barile is now following gratitude
Nov 26, 2012
John C. Barile is now following Dsinc
Nov 26, 2012
John C. Barile is now following michigan man
Nov 26, 2012
John C. Barile is now following Ralph
Nov 25, 2012
John C. Barile is now following ewha1
Nov 25, 2012
John C. Barile is now following Jacob
Nov 25, 2012
As a philosemitic Catholic Christian, I am likewise grateful for Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer.
Toggle Commented Nov 17, 2012 on Giving Voice to the Voiceless at Atlas Shrugs
John C. Barile is now following Eli
Nov 15, 2012