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John Compton
Tinker AFB, Oklahoma
Believe it or not, but I used to be a geek. :)
Interests: My son, general aviation, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Computer Gaming
Recent Activity
I weep for my Coyotes, but they were generally manhandled by the Kings for the bulk of the series. Pretty damn impressive for an 8-seed to roll over the 1-3 seeds.
Congrats, and savor the victory, Wil. We'll be back next year. ;)
something stirs and something tries and starts to climb toward the light
I worked on [REDACTED] today, and had more fun than I thought possible. I can't say anything more until July. Tomorrow, I work on [REDACTED], which is different from [REDACTED], but should be really awesome, too. I can't believe I get to spend two days working with [ACTORS]. (It was a lot easier...
John Compton added a favorite at WWdN: In Exile
Feb 16, 2012
As a devout atheist, I can still differentiate between right and wrong. I don't need religion to help me in the department. What Chris Brown did is reprehensible...simple fact. The type of lemmings that stand behind him are a portion of the reason this country is circling the drain.
Makes me shake my head in disgust...
In which I realize I need to say Thank You...
On Sunday, I was personally offended that Chris Brown performed at the Grammys. Violence against anyone is never okay, but the quiet acceptance of violence against women we see all over the world is especially reprehensible to me. Allowing someone who beat his girlfriend so severely she was hosp...
To this day, I STILL smack folks twice for flinching...most don't get it.
Damn youngins...get off my lawn! :)
Happy anniversary, Stand By Me!
I was twelve going on thirteen when I made the movie that changed my life
Twenty-five years ago today, on my future wife's 17th birthday, a movie I did called Stand By Me was released. I didn't know it at the time, but it would define my childhood and change my life. Here are a few things I wanted to share, to mark the occasion. I talked to NPR last week about Stand B...
Good God.
He's Rachel Ray with a beard. :)
Soup. Black Bean. Hot.
"What are you making?" Anne asked. I looked up from the cutting board, and put the knife down so I wouldn't somehow cut my hand off when I wasn't looking (yes, I am that clumsy). "Black bean soup," I said. "Is it from a recipe, or are you winging it?" "I've made so many different recipes from so...
I'll echo that sentiment. Nick Park is brilliant. I've enjoyed his work for years...The Wrong Trousers is my favorite, FWIW.
The Fantastic Mister Fox is a cussin' great movie
Last night, Anne and I watched The Fantastic Mister Fox. I completely missed this movie when it was in theaters, and didn't know a single thing about it except that, according to our friends, I'd really like it. About fifteen minutes into the movie I turned to her and said, "This is awesome. It'...
My family rarely goes to the theater to see first-run movies, simply due to the sheer cost after a trip to the refreshment stand.
We do however, use the hell out of Netflix. I'll be adding this to our queue based on your recommendation. After I get back from my deployment in Curacao, that is... ;)
The Fantastic Mister Fox is a cussin' great movie
Last night, Anne and I watched The Fantastic Mister Fox. I completely missed this movie when it was in theaters, and didn't know a single thing about it except that, according to our friends, I'd really like it. About fifteen minutes into the movie I turned to her and said, "This is awesome. It'...
Hooray for Tutankham!
For me, that was the Peter Piper Pizza I worked at during high school and my first semester at the University of Arizona...
From the Vault: Uses Joystick Controller
I'm sure it's an enormous surprise to learn that I've spent a lot of time recently thinking about games and gaming, so I've found myself looking through old blog posts for research, inspiration, and to confirm or deny that strange "I think I've written about this idea before..." tingle that's re...
I believe the character on the left is meant to represent Sheldon...
The 8-bit Bang Theory
My friend Rich, who writes and draws Diesel Sweeties, occasionally gives me wonderful gifts, like that awesome 8-bit drawing of me in the infamous clown sweater that sits on what would be my blog's masthead, if blogs had mastheads. When I got home from working on The Big Bang Theory yesterday, t...
Well, that figures.
I'm "deploying" to Curacao on Monday for 90 days with the Air Force.
I suppose sandy beaches, sunshine, and scantily-clad Caribbean women will almost make up for missing Evil Wil Wheaton's return to TBBT...almost. ;)
The 8-bit Bang Theory
My friend Rich, who writes and draws Diesel Sweeties, occasionally gives me wonderful gifts, like that awesome 8-bit drawing of me in the infamous clown sweater that sits on what would be my blog's masthead, if blogs had mastheads. When I got home from working on The Big Bang Theory yesterday, t...
Submitted for your approval, Wil. ;)
I am delivering the inaugural keynote at PAX East
I just realized that I mentioned this on Twitter over a week ago, and it's been on a lot of the gaming sites, but I never actually carved out a little hunk of blog-o-state to mention... I am giving the inaugural keynote address to PAX East in Boston on March 26th. I've been working on my keynot...
Don't tease me, damn you. :)
June 25th-27th 2010 in Tulsa... I'll be damned.
So, what's it going to take to see your name on the guest star list, mister?
Ooh! Sheba from the original BSG! RAWWWR ;)
I am delivering the inaugural keynote at PAX East
I just realized that I mentioned this on Twitter over a week ago, and it's been on a lot of the gaming sites, but I never actually carved out a little hunk of blog-o-state to mention... I am giving the inaugural keynote address to PAX East in Boston on March 26th. I've been working on my keynot...
I need to retire from the Air Force already so I can start going to some of these events.
Sometimes being stuck in Oklahoma if any of these events would ever be held in this bastion of geekdom. *rolls eyes*
I look forward to reports of your rousing success with the speech, nonetheless.
I am delivering the inaugural keynote at PAX East
I just realized that I mentioned this on Twitter over a week ago, and it's been on a lot of the gaming sites, but I never actually carved out a little hunk of blog-o-state to mention... I am giving the inaugural keynote address to PAX East in Boston on March 26th. I've been working on my keynot...
Glad I could help...I'm not much of a math whiz either, and I couldn't bear to think that you were still sitting there fretting over a non-existent equation. :)
(roughly) three days in (roughly) 500 words
Because I am too busy for a proper post, I offer a very brief trip report: I went to Seattle at the end of last week, where I not only got to spend three days with my friends from Penny Arcade, I finally got to take a tour of the Wizards of the Coast offices after years of being invited to check...
I think you're reading way to far into this.
From Wil's Twitter feed on Feb 1st: [:pushes glasses up on nose in universal nerd gesture:] I just realized that this entire year can be written as an equation, thusly: 2M+X
(roughly) three days in (roughly) 500 words
Because I am too busy for a proper post, I offer a very brief trip report: I went to Seattle at the end of last week, where I not only got to spend three days with my friends from Penny Arcade, I finally got to take a tour of the Wizards of the Coast offices after years of being invited to check...
At least you didn't know in probably would've gushed like a little fanboi and ruined the game. ;)
Sounds like you had a terrific time, and as always, a nice writeup.
(roughly) three days in (roughly) 500 words
Because I am too busy for a proper post, I offer a very brief trip report: I went to Seattle at the end of last week, where I not only got to spend three days with my friends from Penny Arcade, I finally got to take a tour of the Wizards of the Coast offices after years of being invited to check...
What a stunningly terrific idea!
in which a text is received and a phone call is made
I'm up to my neck in Memories of the Future Volume 2 work, but I wanted to take a minute to share something cool that happened yesterday... The familiar chirp of an Original Series communicator came out of my Blackberry, announcing the arrival of a text message. I thumbed it a couple times and r...
Not even the painfully obvious "Captain's Log" came to mind? :D
billy bad breaks
This post has nothing to do with its title, but after staring at this for 20 minutes trying to come up with one, I just grabbed the first song title I could find. Thanks, The Damned. Once again, you come through when I need you. We've had a drought in Southern California for so long now, even a ...
there and back again
Someone, I think it was Shane Nickerson, recently recalled the apocryphal advice given to people who choose to come live in Los Angeles: this city sucks, so if you're going to live here, you should at least love what you do... I got into Hollywood at 11 yesterday morning, and came back out at 7:...
There is a part of me that is secretly jealous of you creative-types. I haven't a creative bone in my's as if the entire right hemisphere of my brain is a mass of al dente noodles.
Mmmm...noodles. :)
five quick things I think you'll like
I'm doing something fun and geeky this morning, but I need to close some tabs before I can really get into it, so I'd like to tell you all that John Scalzi's book Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded, for which I wrote the introduction, is now available in trade paperback. I genuinely loved this book, ...
I appreciate the thought, Wil. Thanks.
From the Vault: a convenient literary metaphor
This was originally written in 2003, after I'd published Dancing Barefoot , and was still working on Just A Geek. At the time, I wasn't sure if I was a writer, an actor, or some combination of the two, though I was trying very hard to convince myself (and the Voice of Self Doubt) that I was just...
After a particularly shitty day in which I went to the funeral of a fellow squadron member who took his own life on New Year's Day, your short post has helped me to escape...if for only a few fleeting minutes.
Thank you.
From the Vault: a convenient literary metaphor
This was originally written in 2003, after I'd published Dancing Barefoot , and was still working on Just A Geek. At the time, I wasn't sure if I was a writer, an actor, or some combination of the two, though I was trying very hard to convince myself (and the Voice of Self Doubt) that I was just...
By far one of my best nights on the internet...
I've just recently discovered your blog after hearing about it on a gaming forum called Octopus Overlords. I sincerely wish I had found it months ago.
To be able to get a snapshot synopsis of your year with a "best of" post highlights has only confirmed what I already suspected: You're just a guy...with an amazing knack for story-telling. I'm happy that you've found your niche in life that keeps a roof over your head and food on your table. It is far better to love what you do than work for a lucrative living. It's a bit like the military...I'm not in it for the money. I do it because serving my country is what I love.
Thank you, Mr. Wheaton.
the 2009 year in review, part four
Something something rearview mirror blog posts 2009. This is continued from part three. I told the world what happens when you feed a dog chocolate while he wears a tinfoil hat in the microwave. My friend Mike (@cwgabriel) and I engaged in the great retweeting madness of 2009, which I totally wo...
The man played Tutankham as a kid. How can I not read about the rest of his upbringing?
Plus, it's autographed. Win-win. :)
a couple of book-related things
Memories of the Future got a nice write up in the Toledo Free Press: There’s one thing that Wil Wheaton wants to make very clear: “Memories of the Future” is not, repeat, NOT a “tell-all” book about his time working on “Star Trek: The Next Generation.” “It was extraordinarily important to me t...
Brilliant! Well done!
Christmas Wishes from Steve Martin, and Me, Wil Wheaton
Steve Martin has a Christmas wish to share with you: (If you can't see Hulu videos, or just want the audio, YouTube has you covered. It's a Christmas miracle!) And here's my holiday wish, which isn't nearly as funny, but is at least (if not more) sincere: Whatever you choose to celebrate t...
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