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John Compton
Tinker AFB, Oklahoma
Believe it or not, but I used to be a geek. :)
Interests: My son, general aviation, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Computer Gaming
Recent Activity
I weep for my Coyotes, but they were generally manhandled by the Kings for the bulk of the series. Pretty damn impressive for an 8-seed to roll over the 1-3 seeds. Congrats, and savor the victory, Wil. We'll be back next year. ;)
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John Compton added a favorite at WWdN: In Exile
Feb 16, 2012
As a devout atheist, I can still differentiate between right and wrong. I don't need religion to help me in the department. What Chris Brown did is reprehensible...simple fact. The type of lemmings that stand behind him are a portion of the reason this country is circling the drain. Makes me shake my head in disgust...
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To this day, I STILL smack folks twice for flinching...most don't get it. Damn youngins...get off my lawn! :) Happy anniversary, Stand By Me!
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Good God. He's Rachel Ray with a beard. :)
Toggle Commented Mar 25, 2011 on Soup. Black Bean. Hot. at WWdN: In Exile
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I'll echo that sentiment. Nick Park is brilliant. I've enjoyed his work for years...The Wrong Trousers is my favorite, FWIW.
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My family rarely goes to the theater to see first-run movies, simply due to the sheer cost after a trip to the refreshment stand. We do however, use the hell out of Netflix. I'll be adding this to our queue based on your recommendation. After I get back from my deployment in Curacao, that is... ;)
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Hooray for Tutankham! For me, that was the Peter Piper Pizza I worked at during high school and my first semester at the University of Arizona...
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I believe the character on the left is meant to represent Sheldon...
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2010 on The 8-bit Bang Theory at WWdN: In Exile
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*sigh* Well, that figures. I'm "deploying" to Curacao on Monday for 90 days with the Air Force. I suppose sandy beaches, sunshine, and scantily-clad Caribbean women will almost make up for missing Evil Wil Wheaton's return to TBBT...almost. ;)
Toggle Commented Mar 3, 2010 on The 8-bit Bang Theory at WWdN: In Exile
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Submitted for your approval, Wil. ;)
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Don't tease me, damn you. :) June 25th-27th 2010 in Tulsa... I'll be damned. So, what's it going to take to see your name on the guest star list, mister? Ooh! Sheba from the original BSG! RAWWWR ;)
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I need to retire from the Air Force already so I can start going to some of these events. Sometimes being stuck in Oklahoma if any of these events would ever be held in this bastion of geekdom. *rolls eyes* I look forward to reports of your rousing success with the speech, nonetheless.
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Glad I could help...I'm not much of a math whiz either, and I couldn't bear to think that you were still sitting there fretting over a non-existent equation. :)
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I think you're reading way to far into this. From Wil's Twitter feed on Feb 1st: [:pushes glasses up on nose in universal nerd gesture:] I just realized that this entire year can be written as an equation, thusly: 2M+X
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At least you didn't know in probably would've gushed like a little fanboi and ruined the game. ;) Sounds like you had a terrific time, and as always, a nice writeup.
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What a stunningly terrific idea!
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Not even the painfully obvious "Captain's Log" came to mind? :D
Toggle Commented Jan 22, 2010 on billy bad breaks at WWdN: In Exile
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Toggle Commented Jan 13, 2010 on there and back again at WWdN: In Exile
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There is a part of me that is secretly jealous of you creative-types. I haven't a creative bone in my's as if the entire right hemisphere of my brain is a mass of al dente noodles. Mmmm...noodles. :)
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I appreciate the thought, Wil. Thanks.
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After a particularly shitty day in which I went to the funeral of a fellow squadron member who took his own life on New Year's Day, your short post has helped me to escape...if for only a few fleeting minutes. Thank you.
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By far one of my best nights on the internet... I've just recently discovered your blog after hearing about it on a gaming forum called Octopus Overlords. I sincerely wish I had found it months ago. To be able to get a snapshot synopsis of your year with a "best of" post highlights has only confirmed what I already suspected: You're just a guy...with an amazing knack for story-telling. I'm happy that you've found your niche in life that keeps a roof over your head and food on your table. It is far better to love what you do than work for a lucrative living. It's a bit like the military...I'm not in it for the money. I do it because serving my country is what I love. Thank you, Mr. Wheaton.
Toggle Commented Dec 31, 2009 on the 2009 year in review, part four at WWdN: In Exile
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The man played Tutankham as a kid. How can I not read about the rest of his upbringing? Plus, it's autographed. Win-win. :)
Toggle Commented Dec 28, 2009 on a couple of book-related things at WWdN: In Exile
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Brilliant! Well done!
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