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Denton Texas USA
Independent Professional Historian
American Politics.
American History.
Recent Activity
I have never heard of this . I remember a neighborhood persimmon tree owned by an older lady. We children would play around and climb it. I suppose we sampled the fruit. My Dad in later years got the fruit and made persimmon jam or jelly I believe. I don't remember eating any of it. Or else, they ate them plain. Persimmon bread and persimmon pudding are suppose to be good recipes to use.
The Power Of The Persimmon Seed: What Are They Saying About The Upcoming Winter Season?
Tonight I want to talk about one of the winter "predictors"... the persimmon seed. Persimmon seeds have been used to forecast how cold and snowy the upcoming winter will be for a long time! Many people would put the persimmon seeds and the woolly worms at the top of the winter weather forecastin...
Just discovered your web site. And, I am very impressed.
Very excellent information on Easter in Norway. Thanks.
John R Huff Jr
Happy Easter! God påske
text and images britt-arnhild Easter is celebrated around the world. Here in the House in the Woods we will have a breakfast together, with loys of eggs. Then we will attend mass in our local church. Tonight we have been invited to friends for dinner, so our traditional Easter lamb will wait...
JohnRHuffJr is now following BrittArnhild
Apr 8, 2012
JohnRHuffJr is now following Fr. Ron Pogue
Sep 2, 2011
JohnRHuffJr is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 12, 2011
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