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John Newton
Alfresco Software, Maidenhead, UK
Chairman and CTO of Alfresco. I am a serial entrepreneur having co-founded Documentum and Alfresco and one of the original engineers at Ingres. I am married and have two kids. We live in Berkshire, United Kingdom.
Interests: content management, enterprise software, european travel, food, wine, history, dollar/pound exchange rate
Recent Activity
During the past month we have had our user conference, Alfresco Summit, in San Francisco and London and it was great to see everyone. I normally give the corporate direction keynote at the end of the first day. Given all... Continue reading
Posted Oct 15, 2014 at Content Log
About a year ago, we started filming a series that we called the Future of Work. We sought out experts in the field who are looking at the future of how we work from very different angles. This will probably... Continue reading
Posted Oct 9, 2014 at Content Log
My brother-in-law, Jeffrey McManus (on Facebook), passed away on July 5th at the age of 46. It was way too soon and unexpected. This came at a very bittersweet time in our lives as my son, Michael, was about to... Continue reading
Posted Jul 22, 2013 at Content Log
Is cloud a threat to open source? Far from it! Not only does the cloud run on open source, but the cloud provides new opportunities for open source, content management and Alfresco. It's just another, but exciting place to deploy open source. Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2012 at Content Log
We'd be happy to discuss. Just send me an email.
Some organizations will run headlong into the cloud. Some CIOs will never touch it. The use cases will determine who will pursue which path. In reality, most organizations do not have an either / or choice, but must do both. Looking at the symbiosis of cloud systems with those on-premise can give a clue for some organizations on how they can get the best early value from the cloud. For those that have already started, symbiosis is a way to lure in the rest of the organization. Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2012 at Content Log
With the Prediction 2012 season closing, I use a dart-throwing monkey to predict what will happen in the world of Content Management. After all, experts are actually worse at predicting the future than dart-throwing monkeys. Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2012 at Content Log
Yes Dr. Object, you are looking very young for your age. :-)
Toggle Commented Sep 1, 2011 on A Month in the Bay Area at Content Log
What are they thinking? HP buying Autonomy! It took everybody by surprise, probably because it isn't the most logical of moves in today's industry. The last rumor I heard connected to Autonomy was nearly a year ago that they were... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2011 at Content Log
Sixteen years ago, my wife, my 9 month-old son and I left the San Francisco Bay area to live in the UK. I was still at Documentum, but I had always wanted to return after starting a company, which ended... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2011 at Content Log
Ken - As a Cal Alum, I hope we meet your requirements as well. Let us know how we can help in the short term. As I mentioned in various interviews, jBPM is a good engine and very flexible. If there are any issues on workflow design, Signavio have worked with JBPM in the past. As for custom workflow solutions, we are spending a lot of time on this in the next release, but there are other solutions available. Just let me know what you need. John
Jim - Putting Activiti out there as Apache and our moving the data access layer from Hibernate to Apache iBatis gives us maximum flexibility to OEM and change the license to an even more liberal license. I alluded to this in my post on changing to the LGPL license. We will no more with Activiti and our open source project in the Spring Forge, Surf web framework. We will make a decision on Alfresco after seeing how these projects go. John
Alfresco has launched a new open source project, Activiti Business Process Management Suite along with the Spring Source division of VMware, Signavio and Camunda. We are also very pleased that Tom Baeyens, project founder of JBPM and BPM expert, has joined Alfresco along with his fellow architect Joram Barrez. They bring a wealth of business process experience to a clean slate to build a next generation BPM system that will be licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. This combination can have profound implications for both the business process and content management spaces. Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2010 at Content Log
John Newton is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
First of all, it's my pleasure to recognize Alfresco's 5th birthday. In January 2005, a group of eleven of us started on a fantastic journey from a familiar world, Enterprise Content Management, into an unfamiliar one, Open Source. During this... Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2010 at Content Log
At the recent AIIM Board Meeting that I attended this month, AIIM President John Mancini asked us to blog using the number 8. Why 8? Because no one else is using that number and AIIM can brand around it. So... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2009 at Content Log
Autumn marks the new school year, business year and CMIS year It's that time again. Autumn and the new school year and we are about to take another major step with CMIS, the Content Management Interoperability Services proposed standard at... Continue reading
Posted Sep 29, 2009 at Content Log
I am constantly asked about why we put our software out as open source. Is it some sort of altruism? Communism? People who have worked with proprietary platforms may not be familiar with open source and its implications or the... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2009 at Content Log
John Newton has shared their blog Content Log
Jul 29, 2009
Jeff - Share and Alfresco have been placed in AMI instances for Amazon EC2. However, we have been testing provisioning of EC2 instances and also making sure that we have sufficient admin capabilities without have to go behind the scenes into the operating system. Between these changes and the scalability testing we have been doing, we believe that Share is "Cloud Ready".